Hitler ... German off

The Germans are preparing to strip Hitler of his German citizenship

Now that’s an idea …

Who will be Germany’s new national symbol? Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil?


Nice try, but at least eighty years too late.

Hitler Deutsche? Gutt gott in himmel nein, nein, nein. Those dirty Austrians are always blaming us.


[quote=“Doctor Evil”]Who will be Germany’s new national symbol? Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil?


How about Lemmy?


Damned, and then the Austrians get all the blame.
Next, we will ask compensation for WWII of course … from Austria. Sending one guy over to force us to invade whole Europe (and more)… there has to be revenge for this!

What’s next? Are they going to de-elect him as chancellor? Strip him of his military rank?

[quote=“bob_honest”]Damned, and then the Austrians get all the blame.
Next, we will ask compensation for WWII of course … from Austria. Sending one guy over to force us to invade whole Europe (and more)… there has to be revenge for this!

Damn it, now my secret mission is unvealed. I was send here too as one of our famous one man armies to overtake whole Taiwan and China. So watch out…

PS: You guys don’t play fair, giving back Hitler but claiming Mozart as German… :laughing:

Hey, he only was a bloody “Gefreiter”. Can’t go much lower than that. “Private” in English.

Now wonder we got into trouble, having a Private commanding the army.

Baldrick… Baldrick… cunning plan again, eh?

Hey, he only was a bloody “Gefreiter”. Can’t go much lower than that. “Private” in English.

Now wonder we got into trouble, having a Private commanding the army.

Baldrick… Baldrick… cunning plan again, eh?[/quote]

Hitler was the equivalent of a Lance-Corporal. Which means he was a Junior NCO. Far above the reach of many a humble private.
Still a small-timer, it was only when Reichwehr members had him spy on fringe groups that he manged to find his own group of thugs: NSDAP, or what was manipulted from the orginal reddish flakey platform.
A stupid, in-bred cunt from the sticks, who witnessed the frenzy of the mob, and managed to latch on to one nation’s fears & hopes, and take them down to the depths of Hades. And supposedly because he was such a good speaker, and propagandized as such. :fatchance: :stinkyface:

Hitler was a brave soldier who volunteered for–and kept requesting not to be transferred away from–one of the most dangerous jobs in the army. He was a messenger who carried messages from trench to trench. His bravery (or if you insist, attraction to death) was widely attested, among the minority of his comrades who survived.

Now imagine the reaction of such people, who risk their lives in defense of their country, when they discover on their return that Jews and socialists are plotting to overthrow the government, and subjugate Germany to their Soviet Union.

Oh, and as for Hitler’s German-ness, with the break-up of Austria-Hungary it was widely accepted that the ethnic German part should unite with Germany. Its people felt themselves to be German, just as the Serbs in present-day Bosnia feel themselves to be Serbian, and wish to join Serbia. Remember that Germany itself had only recently arisen as a united state.

Hitler just held the rank as Gefreiter which is equivalent to a Private First Class. He was a soldier who blindly followed orders and never opposed anything from “coming down”. That’s why he was a outsider in his regiment. He had several injuries and got besides the “Eiserne Kreuz beider Klassen” (Iron Cross of both categories) also some other badges of honor. Besides that he was classified by his officers as a “hysterical person” unable to promote or give leadership responsibilaty. A German doctor (military psychologist) at the end of the war defined him as psychopath absolutly unable to take leadership.

It is true that a lot of people at that time wanted Austria united with Germany. The reason were that Austria suffered from the split of the K&K Monarchie. The “leftover” had not the infrastructure of a country as it lost important parts with industries and ressurces. Many people thought that it had no chance to survive alone and with structures made for a completly different country. The terms often used were “Oesterreicher deutscher Nation” and “Deutschoesterreich”. It was also forbiden for Austria to unite with Germany in 1919 through the contract of Saint Germain.

The part with the “unbeaten Army, defenting the country, while beeing stabbed in the back from the civil people at home (socialists, etc.)” is part of the “Dolchstosslegende” which was setup partly from the “Obersteheeresleitung” to blame the defeat mainly on the social democratics.

[quote=“Screaming Jesus”]Hitler was a brave soldier who volunteered for–and kept requesting not to be transferred away from–one of the most dangerous jobs in the army. He was a messenger who carried messages from trench to trench. His bravery (or if you insist, attraction to death) was widely attested, among the minority of his comrades who survived.

Now imagine the reaction of such people, who risk their lives in defense of their country, when they discover on their return that Jews and socialists are plotting to overthrow the government, and subjugate Germany to their Soviet Union.


Stop quoting Nazi propaganda, which is false, word by word.


[quote=“mingshah”][quote=“bob_honest”]Damned, and then the Austrians get all the blame.
Next, we will ask compensation for WWII of course … from Austria. Sending one guy over to force us to invade whole Europe (and more)… there has to be revenge for this!

Damn it, now my secret mission is unvealed. I was send here too as one of our famous one man armies to overtake whole Taiwan and China. So watch out…

PS: You guys don’t play fair, giving back Hitler but claiming Mozart as German… :laughing:[/quote]

Wait until we grant German citizenship to your Austrian emperess Maria Teresia.

You better prepare for some really strange Hartz IV social welfare laws…and to stop calling the Januar Jenner and such confusing stuff. if you catch my drift.
At least you can speed on the motorway then…

Too bad the swarmy pempleschleke didn’t get blown to pieces delivering a message. Or the gas could have taken him as well.
Instead, it was one of those quarks of history that such a mediocre ninny went on to change much of the dialectic of Western Civ.
Has anyone read “Meine Kampf”? Utter swill. If that’s all that inbred abomination could have produced after his so-called expericences in WW1, and his subsequent juvenile exploits vs Weimar, and the resulting hotel arrest in Landsberg, then it’s an unfathomable mystery how such a social degenerate came to control one of Europes most supposedly supreme cultures.

Hitler was just a frontman … they used him because he could speech very well … we’ll never know the truth tho …

Stop quoting Nazi propaganda, which is false, word by word.[/quote]

Hardly. Facts remain: Hitler did volunteer right at the start of WWI, he was a message runner and he did received the Cross of Iron in 1914. Maybe because he was a crawly brown bumlick, but still … can’t argue the facts.

Hey, can we give this thread a Bush-Bashing spin? Pretty please. :notworthy:

Q: “Why are Hitler/Bush comparisons outragous?”
A: “Hitler was a decorated war hero who was initially elected by the majority of his people.”

[quote=“bob_honest”][quote=“Screaming Jesus”]Hitler was a brave soldier who volunteered for–and kept requesting not to be transferred away from–one of the most dangerous jobs in the army. He was a messenger who carried messages from trench to trench. His bravery (or if you insist, attraction to death) was widely attested, among the minority of his comrades who survived.

Now imagine the reaction of such people, who risk their lives in defense of their country, when they discover on their return that Jews and socialists are plotting to overthrow the government, and subjugate Germany to their Soviet Union.

Stop quoting Nazi propaganda, which is false, word by word.[/quote]

Oh? So there were not socialists (including some Jews) who did want to merge with the Soviet Union or at least create an independent socialist state in Germany? What about rise of the Worker’s Councils during the November Revolution? Kurt Eisner and the Bayerische Räterepublik? Eugene Levine?

Declaring him a psychopath and declaring him unfit for leadership are two different things. I somehow doubt the diagnosis was “psychopath” considering that is a popular term on par with “crazy” and “insane”, terms not used by psychiatrists of even the early 20th century.

It’s lame when Germans to marginalize Hitler’s role in WWI. He was a brave soldier. Get over it.

[quote=“gao_bo_han”]Declaring him a psychopath and declaring him unfit for leadership are two different things. I somehow doubt the diagnosis was “psychopath” considering that is a popular term on par with “crazy” and “insane”, terms not used by psychiatrists of even the early 20th century.

It’s lame when Germans to marginalize Hitler’s role in WWI. He was a brave soldier. Get over it.[/quote]

Psychopath (maybe its not the correct translation but the term in German said “Psychopath” is a now outdated term in psychology in Germany at that time. Nowaday you would maybe call it “Antisocial Personality Disorder”. So if somebody has this kind of problem it is not resulting in an unabilaty in leadership? Both things were very well shown from him during WWII. His hysterical reactions on military failures and his wrong reactions to it especially to the end of the war when things “didn’t run that well” for him anymore. A lot of wrong desicions where he overruled the military leaders. (not that I mind that he did so that the war ended the right way…)

Hitler might have been a brave soldier (I didn’t write anything against this by the way…) but he was a blind fanatic, not the “from his comrades loved war hero”.
The “Eiserne Kreuz” of WWI was by the way not the same value as the one of WWII. There were more than 5 millions of the category II and about 200000 of category I given out (WWII had overall about 3 millions…). So yes, he was fanatically but for sure not what common people would think of a hero. So if you want you can compare him with the islamic fanatics of today. Sorry, but get over it that he is not that glorious either.

Oh, and I am not a German by the way.

[quote=“games”] “Hitler …was initially elected by the majority of his people.”


No he wasn’t. Hitler never received support above the high 30’s. The only state to vote for him in the majority was Schleswig-Holstein. His ascent to absolute power was through the Enabling Act and then only with the support of the Liberal Party who fell for the political equivalent of the “cheque’s in the post” line.
