Hitting the Lanyu Roads on Two Wheels With No License


Its a cat permit with the word, ā€œcatā€ crossed out and the word ā€œdrivingā€ written in with crayon.

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Iā€™m normally against scooters, and I think the Taiwan government should work on phasing them out in most cities. I only see their utility on the offshore islands and Hualien/Taitung.

So you want people to drive, ride bicycles, use public transport, and walk? Good luck with that anywhere except Taipei.

If you do it through your B&B owner, you might be able to get away with them checking to see if you have a scooter licenseā€¦

Although, Lanyu is full of tiny winding steep roads with cliffs right down into the ocean on one side. Please make sure you know what you are getting yourself into.

Donā€™t get yourself into a black pig crossing the roadā€¦

Or goats, cats, coconut crabs, or other college students who also donā€™t have their license.