Home Loans for Foreigners

That’s just not true

This seems wild to me and I need someone to point to the law that says so. It would further back up the messed up ness of all the problems with Taiwan housing, but WTF. If my (admittedly non-existant) spouse died, the last thing I would want to deal with is their entitled shitty parents and siblings coming in and caring only about how they collectively are now entitled to half of MY HOUSE. (And I know a number of Taiwanese people who are quite vocal about how little they care about certain family members and that they’re only waiting for them to die so they can get their inheritance)

I provided sources. The interest rate savings are a three year thing maximum.



You’re not getting a 1.775% interest rate mortgage for 35 years.

This guy spells it out in plain chinese.

Number 4

The XinQingAn Mortgage Rate Subsidy

Right now is limited to THREE years

After the discount ends

Your mortgage

Will return to original interest rates.

If rates don’t rise,

Then that will be 2.15%

Discussed in the thread below.

I was actually wrong - half of your wife’s estate goes to her family, which is taken from her half of the house. So the family only get a quarter.

But it’s still a quarter too much. And apparently it can’t be overridden by a will.

Only part of it goes up after the time period (2026 if I recall), the whole thing doesn’t just go back to market rates, and that’s only if they don’t extend the further reduction which they are expected to do.

I can’t be bothered to find the thread where I did the math on all this a month or so ago, but feel free to if you don’t believe me.

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Yes it does. It was very clearly spelled out that the interest rate returns to original at the end of the subsidy period.

I even screenshotted the entire part of the video and translated it.

I provided sources.

So did I. Go checkout my thread. I even made a lovely spreadsheet which breaks down the different parts of this scheme and when they expire.

Please bear with me whilst I waste my time spelling this shit out for you guys again

Earlier in this thread you provided maths on the interest rates alone. I countered that it’s not worth the insecurity of having the spouse’s name on the deed.

One. You can’t buy a $15 million dollar house. The loan is for a maximum of $10 million.

Two. The interest subsidy is for three years.

Three. The maximum loan period is increased from thirty years to forty years, which costs more money.

Four. The grace period for interest-only payments is increased from three years to five years which costs more money.

Three and four do not even talk about saving money.

One limits you to a maximum.

  1. **貸款額度:**由最高800萬元提高至1,000萬元
  2. 利息補貼:政府額外補貼1碼,加上原公股銀行減半碼,優惠共1.5碼(補貼期限至2026年7月31日止)
  3. **貸款年限:**最長由30年延長至40年
  4. **寬限期:**由3年延長至5年

If I recall, the core of the loan is based on the floating interest rate for Chunghwa Post’s two-year term deposit for less than $5 million.

From March 23, 111 to July 31, 115 there is a subsidy of minus 0.125%.

From August 1, 112 to July 31, 115 there is a subsidy of 0.35%.

For loans issued after January 1, 110 there is a fixed addition of 0.555%.

That’s how we get to 1.775% right now.

After July 31, 115, when these two subsidies expire, the rate will go back to the floating interest rate for Chunghwa Post’s two-year term deposit for less than $5 million + 0.555%. But more than likely, the subsidies will be replaced with new ones or extended. Even if they aren’t replaced or extended, which is unlikely given its success, then the scheme’s interest rate will still be lower than a normal mortgage.

Right now it’s the year 113. You cannot buy a house in the past.

Yeah, so that’s why it’s a fixed addition not a fixed subsidy

It’s for people buying their first house under the age of 35. It’s not renewable.

I think you are misunderstanding the whole concept of this scheme. There is no renewing, they don’t take it away from you after you turn 35. Also, you are wrong anyway because my wife got it and she is over 35.

Suggest you read up on this page:


No, once you have it you have it. But the interest rate subsidy ends after three years. Goes back to market rates.

I think your maths and the amount of savings is incorrect.

You can’t calculate what you don’t know. There may be other subsidies, yes or no, but you can’t calculate what you dont know.

My math literally adds up to the exact number you gave!!!


So three years of savings is worth the insecurity?

In my books, that’s a no from me.

It’s not 3 years of savings, because even if those subsidies aren’t extended or replaced, the interest rate of 2.15% is still lower than the over 3% banks offered me because my skin is a few shades too light

I have market rates on mine.

You got your mortgage when interest rates were lower, right? Yes it’s a variable rate, but only part of it is variable, not all of it, right? That’s how all mortgages I’ve seen here work. So although your mortgage now is the same as the market rate, that’s because part of it is likely fixed at a lower rate from when rates were lower. If it’s 100% variable and you are still at market rates, then that’s great, but it’s not the reality for any of the banks I checked at.

I can go double check for you. But it seems to go up with rate increases.