Household registration, address

This sounds interesting and leaves us a lot of possibilities …

In Belgium your household registration is the place where you actually should spend most of your time, meaning live there. Otherwise they just cancel your registration if they find out you’re not actually living there.

In Germany houshold registration ties in with tax and community fees (?), guess that’s why it’s mandatory.
It’s also possible to be registered under more than one address, e.g. depending on your living/work arrangements.

This sounds interesting and leaves us a lot of possibilities …

In Belgium your household registration is the place where you actually should spend most of your time, meaning live there. Otherwise they just cancel your registration if they find out you’re not actually living there.[/quote]

And you get fined …

Most young/working class people move into the big cities to work…they usually rent…so they are registered under their parent’s house outside the city…