How and where do i get car license in taiwn

I recall I had to do a medical test, then go somewhere to SHihlin for a written and driving test. Can someone please let me know the exact cost, procedure for getting a car license thanks. Please email me thanks.

Gotta love that user name dude!!!.. :smiley:

Have you read these two threads? If not then I suggest you do so thoroughly. There’s a lot of useful information in them.
[Got my car and motorcycle licence
[Driving School

Sorry for this but I must post again as a recent reply to my question was deleted. Please advise me on the procedure to get a local license. Where is the medical and then the drivers test? thanks

The medical is done very close to the DMV centre but is a joke basically …
In Shulin it’s in the street when you enter the centre …

[quote=“dickhead”]Sorry for this but I must post again as a recent reply to my question was deleted.[/quote]I am a moderator of this forum and as far as I am aware nothing was deleted. I have merged your two threads together. Please post anything further on this topic in this thread, not another new one.

I have some suggestions for you.

1 Read the topics I linked to above. As I said, some very useful info in there that should answer some of your questions.

2 Having read those topics, if you have further specific questions, post them here.

3 Don’t post thread titles or content entirely in capital letters. It is difficult to read and looks like shouting.

4 I suggest that you don’t post your email address on the internet as it may lead to you getting a lot of spam. If you must, then insert something like the text “nospam” just after the @ symbol. Real people will know to remove that text whereas spambots may not. In any case, it is more likely that people will respond to you in the thread itself, and I hope they do so, because the responses may be useful to others.