How can I use Whey

I make my own Greek style yogurt, doing so separates the whey.
I normally tip it away but this time I filtered and going to use, I’ve heard of whey shakes? Maybe use for pre/post cycling trips.
Any suggestions, I don’t have a capsule maker for body builder tablets.

Just drink it up!

Depends on which whey you like it.

Anywhey, I’ll see myself out.


Skoll it.

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Yeah but how much? I assume the body builder capsules are condensed?

That amount is from 1.5 litres of full fat milk.

Doesn’t look very nice to drink on its own and is bit gloopy slimy.

:laughing: get sculled on whey.

Normally whey is watery. I suggest you Google it.

Google my whey? Hey Google my whey is piss coloured and viscous does that sound right to you Google.

I know what it’s like I’ve made many times over many years.


My whey was never gloopy slimy, always watery.

Good for you :relaxed:

And whey from yogurt making is acidic, so I used the whey to make fresh cheese heating up milk and adding the whey as curdler. Which in turn makes you end up with less acidic whey to drink. Didn’t need to use lemon juice or rennet.

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Yes I’ve used yogurt not Greek style to curdle boiled milk to make Paneer cheese.
But not Whey, one way of making use of it.

You can mix one part whey with one part gin, one part Campari and one part vermouth. Makes a fantastic protein negroni!


There’s a shitty Sinatra joke here, I know it!


No whey!


Apparently, pigs thrive on it. Although I suspect this doesn’t really solve your problem.

Personally, I just chuck it down the sink. Yes, it’s a waste, but it appears to be basically useless. Unless you have pigs. The clown’s suggestion seems like the best so far: dilute it with so much alcohol you can’t tell that you’re drinking whey.

Also: yeah, whey from yoghurt is slightly slimy, whey from cheesemaking is not. Go figure.


So, it’s like a liquid version of protein powder? How many g of protein is in a cup of this? Maybe make protein shake out of it for post workout?

It is a great source of protein. You could put some in small plastic bags or containers and store them for a long time in your freezer. It can serve the same purpose pretty much as whey powder, but it is not so easy to store. Most people do not need too much additional protein and so it may serve little purpose.


Genetically humans are the same as pigs, so must be good for us.

Google whey shakes, comically recipes add milk or yogurt :grinning:

Higher temp to make cheese reason on the slimy? I’ve had yogurt fail so I boil not set milk add lemon juice to make cheese.