How can I use Whey

I like tinned mackerel, often have that with 2 boiled eggs, sometimes 7/11 chicken breast with tea eggs.


Well, there’s protein and there’s protein. The major protein component in modern pigfeed is soy-derived, particularly the cheaper brands. IIRC pigs have a slightly different set of essential amino acids (compared to humans) so they cope with a more-or-less vegan diet better than humans do. If there’s any deficiency in the standard formulation it’s most likely supplemented with the addition of the necessary amino acids rather than complete proteins.

Regulatory requirements keep animal products almost entirely out of pigfeed. It was only in times gone by that farmers would have been allowed to give whey to pigs. If you tried it now without the requisite half-a-dozen licenses and a twice-weekly inspection, you’d probably end up going to jail. Such is life in “environmentally-friendly” clownworld.

To the point the FDA recommendation is to eat no more than 340g of fish and seafood a week. Some fish species (e.g. swordfish) are even recommended to not be eaten at all because of their mercury level.


This thing is OP!

Whey is great for fermenting red onions. Lactofermentation or traditional brine method gives them an acetone smell. If you use whey instead, you get the good pickled onions. I wish I had more whey.

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That’s interesting, I make pickled onions and never heard of that.
How do I use, add to the vinegar spice mix?

You’ve been lucky.
I ferment the onions, not pickle them. I don’t use vinegar.

Also there is a whole thread on fermentation

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