How come I cannot edit my own topic?

To continue is wrong unless you remember nothing

The consensus seems to be the closest anyone knows of is 人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎, which isn’t all that close to either one as far as I can see. Will keep digging

I did warn them :blush:

Today I learned to play the “melody” of The Twilight Zone on piano,



Congratulations. What were you really trying to learn?

Now it’s bouncing around in my head thank you.

I only read the threads that look interesting.

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To be fair that would limit the number of posts read.

I’m still confused. Is that “Posts Read” by me or my posts “Posts Read”? I think I’ve got both of those covered.

And my editing option is available on some and not available on some both old and new and sometimes on the title and sometimes not on the title.

I’m not worried about it but want to help if it’s a bug. that’s why I posted in feedback.

By you, over the last 100 days. You’re a tad shy. There’s a rough total here for reference

@slawa is just burning through shit

If you get a chance could you PM me some examples? Or post them here, all good.

Thanks for sharing.

I was occupied with things for a couple months recently and I wasn’t dropping in to forumosa so much.

Interesting that recent activity takes priority over long-term activity.

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As a result of the suspension. It used to be we had to manually end it, but it looks like they’ve made it roll out in 6 months now. We can still end it earlier though.

So I guess probably could scroll to the bottom of the AOC thread of which I’m a couple thousand posts behind and meet the requirement.

I was saving that one for a special day.

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Has there ever been any Forumosan that has never had a suspension or ban ?

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Yeah the numbers are out of whack on those because there’s a 500 post cap for “all-time”. The “last 100 days” numbers are based on 25% of all posts I think. The “all-time” numbers would only apply to very small forums, essentially.

I don’t know why but this kind of seems like a discussion for The Lounge.

This is discussion mostly relevant to people who have been around a long time and/or have relevant interests.

I’ll try to split it.

Only @tando.

Lots. I didn’t. Then they made me mod for some reason :wink:

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I’ve been unsuccessfully working on the “ humourless “ bit for years :thinking: