How do I asked the post office to delay sending a letter or postcard by a few years?

I’ve just finished reading The Kingdoms by Natasha Pulley – that was fun! The story really gets moving when the protagonist receives a mysterious postcard: it is an illustration of a lighthouse that was built 3 years prior, but it was mailed 100 years before! In the story, when the postcard is posted, the post office (in the UK) is instructed to deliver it only after a certain date. How do I ask or instruct the post office here in Taiwan to do this? Is this a standard service of the postal service? How do I explain this in Chinese?

I think it would be fun/weird/a little creepy(?) to send letters to my kid of 5 years from now. Or asking my private students to write to themselves, say, graduating from high school or university and reminding themselves of their own expectations of themselves as of today.

I asked ChatGPT and this is what she says:

(I just noticed the Regenerate button, so I tried hitting it a couple times)

Here is a bit about the book, in case you are interested. It is alternate history, historical fiction, science fiction, Napoleonic wars.

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I asked ChatGPT again and got more specific

and one more time


Thank you!

2.Designated delivery period (mail retention period)

Minimum 15 days, maximum: 30 years.


(Methinks, I must get back to work anon, else I shan’t be able to retain my employment for much longer)

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That’s actually really cool thing to do.

Want to euthanise, I decide on a date send my will and funeral directions.
Make sure I’m dead before they go, I bottle out stop the postage.

This is very useful if you’re time travelling with a friend and accidentally go to an earlier time period without your friend and break the machine. You can write them a letter to let them know where you hid the time machine.