How do I get accident insurance from MVO?

Basically just a DMV broker. They advertise that they handle vehicle registration transfers and scrapping. Basically a time saving place for people who don’t want to spend their day waiting for their number to be called. It costs extra though… so be prepared but you can just withdraw from an ATM near if needed.

May I know how much are we talking about? just a rough guess

A few hundred NTD

No more than a thousand

Geez man this has been very helpful. Thank you! Goodnight man its been late already

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Hallo man. I’ve postpone my agenda for now. Been busy this past few days specially this coming xmas and new year so I decided to do it 1st week of January 2023. I will keep you posted my friend. Thanks! Merry Christmas buddy!

What west? In my west the vehicle is insured (no matter who drives it having a driver’s license), is not drunk and the vehicle has a technical inspection green card (for new cars 4 years, older cars yearly) and includes liability for third parties, not your own. You can insure ‘full coverage’ meaning if you crash, all will be paid minus some own risk.

In Canada, while the insurance is good for whoever the owner lends the vehicle too, if the driver is a regular driver of the vehicle or lives in the same household as the owner, they need to be listed on the policy as a driver. If you don’t tell them and they find out you are a regular driver the claim can be denied

Risk pricing is based on who drives a vehicle regularly

It’s a bit hard for them to prove that… don’t you think?

Also in my “west” (Australia) we base it off of the excess. Better policies will add no additional excess as long as the driver isn’t under 25 while the cheaper ones will charge 2000aud (40,000ntd) excess + extra for under 25 400aud (8,000ntd) but allow you to list up to 4 drivers for no extra cost anyway