How do non-Asian women feel about Asian Guys?

Do you pick up women in bars?

No, I’m married. But I have Black friends here who complain about women being racist towards them, and I’ve heard casual racism or at least stereotypes about Blacks from Taiwanese (eg: “do all Black people carry guns?”)


They say that about all Americans. When I was watching Remember and Denzel, pulled it out, they exclaimed, “Aiyo. Meiguoren do you qiang.

Taboos make everything more exciting. It’s why blacks do better in the South even though interracial dating is still taboo.

At least in the USA, there’s no evidence Asian women are less open to dating blacks than other groups, just the opposite.

Okay. There’s also the fact that being Black and trying to get a teaching job here is a LOT harder than being white; that hiring prejudice reflects the mainstream prejudice towards them. I’m sure others can chime in who will either agree with you or me, but East Asians being a bit racist against foreign Black people is kinda CW.

That’s just not true. This is from a study comparing response rates on US dating sites.

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I hope you teach humanities.
Asian: 3.3% response rate
Latino: 2.6%
White: 2.8%

Asian women respond at the highest rate to black men.

I’m sorry, but I think you have a reading comprehension problem. Look at the diagram again. 26% of Black men attempt to connect with Asian women. Only 3.3% of Asian women try to connect with Black men. Meanwhile 7.8% of Asian women try to connect with white men. So how in your world is that the “highest rate”? It literally says ‘Lowest Response Rate’ next to it.


At what rate to Latinas connect with black men? 2.6%

At what rate do white women connect with black men? 2.8%

Asian women come out on top. 3.3%

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I am really not sure how you’re not understanding this extremely simple study, but I’m pretty sure you’re purposely being obtuse… so I’m including the article for you to read over as I’m not sure what else to say.


I’ve used it on three different continents. It doesn’t need to “say” it’s global. It’s a website and app. It works everywhere. Why would they limit their data to people in one country?

It is extremely simple.
Which of these numbers is the highest?

A. 2.8% (White)
B. 2.6% (Latina)
C. 3.3% (Asian)


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When did you start using the app? The study was from 2014.

I think everyone gets it. if this is all there is let it go please.

I dunno. 2005-ish? Whenever online dating started to be a thing. Why does that matter to you? Do you think any major dating site was limiting itself to one country in 2014? How or why would they do that? I have to agree that you’re being more than a bit obtuse here for no clear reason.

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Most dating studies limit themselves to one country.
For instance:

Also, the racial categories seem to fit the USA. In Europe, it’s more likely Middle Eastern would be included.

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6 posts were split to a new topic: From non-Asian

You really run with some niche crowd of foreigners in Taiwan for the majority of them to have done that.
What industry/sector are most of them in, as unlikely to be English teachers who left their wives and kids back home to live here.


What’s weirder? That his social circle is full of deadbeat Dads who fled their families back in the west and yet I don’t even know one person like that here, or that he chooses to associate with all these supposed deadbeat Dads he seems to resent? “Overwhelming majority”… my bullshit detector is going through the roof on that one.

I also see you’ve also bought into the antiquated “submissive Asian wife” trope. I’ve never met one western guy who was more dominant than his wife here. But I guess I haven’t met your “overwhelming majority”… :man_shrugging:


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