What is it with east asians and music? :boo-hoo: When I was in Japan I could have seen Motley Crue, Ozzy Osborne, Primus, Kiss, Aerosmith, The Rolling Stones, Ray Charles, Lena Horne, Pat Methany, and many others. Then I went to Korea and the only thing there was to see was Sting.
In the time that I have been in Taiwan the only thing worthwhile that has come by is Elton John. And he had a hard time selling many tickets. Meanwhile Air Supply has been here many times :raspberry: . I doubt they could sell out my high school auditorium back home.
I hear my favorite rock band ( Rush! ) will be touring this summer. If they hit Asia the only place they would hit is Japan. Of course they will never come to Taiwan.
My question is this: What would it take for more halfway decent concerts to show up here in Taiwan? And why can’t the Taiwanese be more like the Japanese and take a liking to something a little heavier than Mariah Carey and Air(head) Supply? What would it take for foreigners to petition decent acts to come here and play? I am tired of missing out on some good stuff because I am not in Japan or the States. :America:
Any thoughts would be appreciated
Get decent promoters. Seriously.
In the last 2 years there has been some “good” acts(Black Eye Peas, Jay Z) come thru, albet not classic rock acts or other rock acts you list. But from my understanding, it has to do with the promoters that work here.
Keep in mind that a lot of huge Asian pop/rock stars don’t tour in Taiwan, and that’s not because of politics, either.
“why can’t the taiwanese be more like the japanese?”
um because they aren’t?
ever see the movie or play shirley valentine?
ignorant pommy tourist: “i could like greece, i could, if it was more like spain. but it’s not, it’s greece. and that’s the problem”
move to japan or the US if it’s a problem…
oh and i’ve seen muse (UK no. 1 live act) and the album leaf live in taipei in the last month so its not as bad as make it out to be…
I all seriousness, if I was you I would get onto some decent websites for shows based in HongKong or Singapore, and make a trip of it for a day or two. A number of good acts regularly go through these centres.
the only way to get the bigger bands to play is to make it financially worth their while. you guarantee 20,000 tickets, they’ll probably come.
your problem is finding 20,000 interested people. especially for rush.
music tastes are different here. deal with it. you can’t change it overnight, anyway, no matter what you do.
What the HELL are you on about, Lotta? Honestly, you really have NO idea, do you. OK, Mr. Smartarse “Taiwan-never-gets-anyone-good.” Who’s coming here very soon?
That’s right. ONLY Olivia Newton John. “No good acts” indeed! You just aren’t looking hard enough.
I won’t even point out that you’ve also just missed Kenny G because that will just hurt you even more.
“Let’s get PHYSICAL! Ooh! Ooh! Let me hear your body talk, your BODY TALK!”
Trust me Olivia, the last thing you need is to hear my body talk. Just ask the girly standing behind me on the MRT this morning.
[quote=“sandman”]What the HELL are you on about, Lotta? Honestly, you really have NO idea, do you. OK, Mr. Smartarse “Taiwan-never-gets-anyone-good.” Who’s coming here very soon?
That’s right. ONLY Olivia Newton John. “No good acts” indeed! You just aren’t looking hard enough.
I won’t even point out that you’ve also just missed Kenny G because that will just hurt you even more.
“Let’s get PHYSICAL! Ooh! Ooh! Let me hear your body talk, your BODY TALK!”
Trust me Olivia, the last thing you need is to hear my body talk. Just ask the girly standing behind me on the MRT this morning.[/quote]
and who needs ozzy osbourne when we’ve got our very own sandman performing indecent sax acts in public regularly with the soggy bottom boys?
(ONJ? ohmigod…it doesnt get more cutting edge than that)
[quote=“the bear”]and who needs ozzy osbourne when we’ve got our very own sandman performing indecent sax acts in public regularly with the soggy bottom boys?
(ONJ? ohmigod…it doesnt get more cutting edge than that)[/quote]
You’re right, you are so damned right!
I actually wail at the moon here in HK some nights wishing to hear just a peep of Sandman and Paogoa’s sax, the scuffle of the dancing man’s shoes, a glimmer of the harp man’s meow, the shuffle of the washboard, or even the glint of a smiling and crooning Dave Chen tooth. You farkers really don’t know how good you have it.
And while I’m here, I’d like to say that I initially thought that the thread title said “no good concrete”, which is pretty funny, but also sadly true.
[quote=“urodacus”]the only way to get the biggerr bands to play is to make it financially worht their while. you guarantee 20,000 tickets, they’ll probably come.
Nail. Head.
The Black Eyed Peas didn’t even come close to selling out.
[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]And while I’m here, I’d like to say that I initially thought that the thread title said “no good concrete”, which is pretty funny, but also sadly true.[/quote]It is, there’s also a gravel shortage. taipeitimes.com/News/biz/arc … 2003352568
[quote=“sandman”]What the HELL are you on about, Lotta? Honestly, you really have NO idea, do you. OK, Mr. Smartarse “Taiwan-never-gets-anyone-good.” Who’s coming here very soon?
That’s right. ONLY Olivia Newton John. “No good acts” indeed! You just aren’t looking hard enough.
How right you are Sandman. I used to think that Kenny G sucks until you corrected me.
[quote=“Namahottie”]Get decent promoters. Seriously.
In the last 2 years there has been some “good” acts(Black Eye Peas, Jay Z) come thru, albet not classic rock acts or other rock acts you list. But from my understanding, it has to do with the promoters that work here.
Keep in mind that a lot of huge Asian pop/rock stars don’t tour in Taiwan, and that’s not because of politics, either.[/quote]
Actually I think the promoters are part of the problem. Hip hop music is not my taste but I think that there is a market for hip-hop here. What do you hear at all of the clubs here? You even hear it on the radio sometimes?
Unfortunately the hip hop acts that come here often don’t do as well as they do elsewhere. The black eyed peas didn’t sell out. Missy Elliot only performed for an hour. This would lead me to think that the problem is the promoters. They don’t advertise it well enough and the ticket prices are too high for what their target market can afford.
I think it would take 20,000 people to speak up and say that they would go to decent shows if they came. I think the Elton John show could have gone over better, if the promoters had made more of an issue of it :taz: The problem is 20,000 people didn’t show up for it. Some think that was a test case for the future of getting better shows here in Taiwan and that it failed.
In the states when a big act skips a major city a radio station from that city will often petition the act to come play there. Wish me luck with my petition to get Rush to play in Taiwan. :wanker:
[quote=“Whole Lotta Lotta”]
In the states when a big act skips a major city a radio station from that city will often petition the act to come play there. [/quote]
Oh so true, which makes me often wonder what the powers that be think what opportunity truly means? :s
april 14…Beck live at Budokhan…
there’s a gig for ya…(actually he’s playing 5 gigs in Japan, none over here)
Ahh Damnit! I just found out The Police have gotten back together and are touring. I say the foreign community all band together on this one. We simply cannot allow this one to pass us by! :fume: C’mon, Sting played here once. We can get 20,000 people together to sign a petition.
WLL you is stuck in de 80’s mon…
do you still have da big hair?
you might find seven people to sign your petition so if you can book the police to the living room you could be on…
Actually, wrinkly has-beens milking the nostalgia wave are just the kind of acts that might sell here, so there’s a chance the Police might do a show here.
Stewart Copeland is still one of the best drummers ever. I’d go and see The Police if they played here.
I agree. Stewart Copeland is great. Manu Cache is also a great drummer and tours and records with Sting quite often.
Sting has the ability to draw fantastic musicians together to play his music - his era with the Police is timeless and even though the music is nearly 25 years old, I still find it very modern.
Sorry to anger all of you ICRT fans out there , but if yould bother to stop listening to Justin Timberlake, Air Supply, Brittney Spears, and Bon Jovi for a while, you would discover that Stewart Copeland, Neil Peart, and John Bonham are three of the most amazing drummers in modern music. :yay:
On the other hand if you want to listen to Timberlake, and Spears, why don’t you just watch one of Jolin’s music videos with the sound turned all the way down. You’ll get the same effect without having to listen what she’s saying. And Jolin’s plastic surgeon did a much better job than Spears’ did. :snooty: