How do we make drivers yield to pedestrians at crosswalks?

In my case, because I’ll have given up on the sidewalk. Twenty meters sidewalk, obstruction, push through parked scooters to get on the road, maneuver through more parked scooters to get back on the sidewalk, repeat every 20-30 meters … screw it. I’ll stick to the road.

EDIT: Also rain and whatever the heck civil engineers here use for a lot of sidewalk super-slick surfacing. I recently twisted my knee and I’m paranoid about doing it again, especially while it’s still frail. On rainy days (and boy we had a lot those this winter!), I find the road surfaces in general far, far safer.


It’s taken me far too long to realize this is probably why locals always do this. On the street, scooters will avoid you(sometimes) whereas the inverse is true for sidewalks :frowning_face:


Why do people drive those girly bike death traps in the first place? How hard is it to get on an MRT or bus? It’s a small-scale saving, considering the risks that driving a scooter poses.
I can understand if you’re living in the mountains in the same barn as your moonshine still, or in cities with shitty public transport, But Taipei? Come on!

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And the same for running red lights. When I lived in Neihu I noted that at one intersection at least one car or motorcycle ran each and every red light. If we ONLY say 1 car/motorcycle per minute (less than what I observed) ran the red light then that comes to over 1,400 per day.


… and get some order in society.

And again and again


That’s is cheap bail for killing someone…

The drunk man who caused the accident abandoned the car and fled, and he was arrested and ordered to pay 200,000 TWD for bail




I read this article this morning and I wish the highlighted sentence was true for Taiwanese drivers. :melting_face:


…or even just have that awareness when walking would be nice.


Only safe vehicle in Taiwan is a M1A2 tank.

Failing that, a Javelin missile…

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Over the years I’m come to the conclusion that many Taiwanese, particularly the older generation, have an extraordinary sense of awareness! I’ve experimented many times, you can try it too.

If you find yourself on a straight, unobstructed sidewalk (I know!) walking behind someone who is walking normally and in a straight line (I know!), slowly increase your speed so you’re a little faster and veer to the left or right to overtake, once you get close 99% of the time that person will veer off course to the right or left in a blocking maneuver! Wear sneakers and walk quietly for best amazement! Report your results!


That’s when you run right through them.

There are some gravitational forces at work, nothing to do with sense of awareness.

Happens to me as well all the time, and not only old people. There has to be a scientific explanation.

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All foreigners are extra fat ?

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Imagine what Darwin or Einstein could have done if they had visited Taiwan to observe this natural wonder.

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I’d call myself non-fat at this point (able to wear pants I bought 20 years ago thanks to consuming less carbs). Maybe it’s just that we are so more attractive/attracting?


Did they take his passport?

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So what you’re saying is that this thought experiment can only be conducted in a laboratory, and not in Taiwan as it actually exists. :rofl:



who goes first?