How do we make drivers yield to pedestrians at crosswalks?

Loath to recommend an approach from China, however it is extremely effective when deployed. On many crosswalks they have camera systems in place which automatically fine any driver who enters the area when a pedestrian is present. I first seen it in action when trying to cross a 6 lane wide road on a pedestrian crossing without traffic lights, I was going to turn back when all the traffic on my side stopped, as did the traffic on the other side when I got close to the center island, later found out it was due to the camera system and the large fines. Pity it has to be that way however it absolutely works and would also work in Taiwan.


It’s always technological solutions to simple human behavioural solutions.

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Another pedestrian killed by a drunk driver. 22 year old killed a man crossing the street and immediately ran away. He was found 12 hours later. He had been out drinking with friends.


Man…today was running red lights day.
I was on a bridge at a red light…about 5 cars behind me. The car at the very back whips out into the opposing lane, passes all of us and does not stop at the red light to make a left turn. There was no way he could have seen any pedestrian walking from the right.
Next, was at a red light. Guy blows through the light and then blows through the next red light to make a U-turn.
All the other red light runners today were just the usual not wanting to stop.


Cunts have all got black windows. Makes them invisible. How the fuck is that even legal?
Oh, yes. “Privacy” and “face”.
Privacy to be a self-centered cunt.


Watching this:

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Lot of people in a hurry to run a red light to get to the next red light. Sometimes right in front of the police station…or sometimes the police officers themselves doing it too. After seeing the tragic incident in Guangzhou where a supposed nephew of Guangzhou Party Secretary just sped through multiple intersections and killing multiple people…I feel a lot more nervous crossing the streets given recent tragedies…which were already a continuation of the norm.


And how about the cars with the dark black FRONT windows? Holy hell, how do they see anything at night?


Can someone please explain to me if pedestrians in cross walks without the red/green man indicator have right of way?

Because I’ve seen Taiwanese brave those cross walks, and when I tried to cross it myself, cars have stopped with perhaps a 50-50 chance.


Buy lottery, you’re a lucky guy.


We actually talked about that recently, starting with this video

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On a second thought, your statistics can be explained if you’re talking about crosswalks besides crossroads and crosswalks in the middle of straight sections of streets. In the former, now is more common to encounter cars (not scooters, they are still the same old cunts) that yield (10 years ago almost nobody yielded). In the latter case, do not never ever expect nobody to stop and yield. No matter how pregnant, how old, how young, how disabled you are. They will happily run over you.

While the selfish and ignorant and dangerous driving culture here upsets me to no end, it’s this–the hit and runs–that gets my blood boiling the most.


The drunk driving might bother me more than the hit and run

A sober person might have stayed, or not caused an accident

The roads here are dangerous when sober. Catch a ride, sleep it off, or don’t get drunk. No excuses


Yeah, you’re right, drunk driving is right up there as well.

Yep. Get a taxi. But, no. Cheapskate culture runs too deep.

Also an inconvenience, also a loss of face, also a me-first mentality, also the fact that drunk people make bad choices.

Is there no social stigma about it? Friends let friends drunk drive? I mean, you could save the taxi fare if your buddy gave you a ride home…

But then you would have to go out the next day, via taxi, to retrieve your car that you parked on a red line.


Alley that got posted on reddit showing painted “sidewalk” in Taipei abruptly ending as it runs into a row of scooters is changed so one side is all the painted “sidewalk”. The news immediately shows a scooter illegally parked on the so-called “sidewalk”