How do we make drivers yield to pedestrians at crosswalks?

On my way back from breakfast a van almost hit a group of 3 pedestrians (less than half a meter) and was turning with no signal. This all happened right in front of a police vehicle with 2 officers inside. They did nothing.


English article:


Just copy paste my reply to him here

Good job! Everybody knows that green paint protects human bodies against hundreds of kg of metal moving at speed. World class sidewalk!


It’s not, but the police doesn’t measure the reduction in light of the dark window screen. In Europe they do in most countries and when too dark you have to replace it and get down to the police station to measure again or be fined. Front windows, driver and passenger have strict rules regarding shading.

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I have the same/similar almost right in front here. Posted a pic a while ago.

It would be nice if they added these kinds of separators. Not the best solution, but easy to implement and does the job.


1 down. 1 million to go.

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I wouldn’t even count this as “down”. It’s just a PR stunt for the new mayor, that’s it.


Look, people. We all have mobile phones. Just put the camera on every time you cross the street. It’s a pain in the arse, I know, but a minor inconvenience.
How to identify the horrible cunts on bicycles with their useless surgical masks, though?
Those fuckmonkeys should have number plates.

just wondering if there’s a sort of dash cam for pedestrians, phone in top pocket or neck strap, facing forward, recording all as you walk?

Any action camera in the market can do that. There are 360Âș models too.

yeah, but more expense, one more thing to keep charged, carry around

More importantly
shouldn’t have to. Doesn’t solve the problem anyways, just gets someone a fine and may even make some of the more crazy people pissed off. Fundamental problems are still not solved, but what else can we do at this point
but I do have my phone out a loooot more these past few months. Really feels like it’s getting much worse in my experience unfortunately so I just keep my phone out just in case it turns into a he said she said type of situation

some options are reviewed here:

Some pictures shared on a local facebook page. Showing the POV of someone with their baby stroller and what it’s like walking around. Someone coming back to Taiwan from Finland. I assume most or all the pictures are in Taichung since in the facebook post they specifically mention the Taichung Ikea.

Source: Redirecting...


Post on Facebook by ć°çŁæ‘©æ‰˜è»Šć‹ć”æœƒ(Taiwan Motorcycle Riders Association)

In their post they more or less say:

You all know there are two types of condoms. One without holes that has high protection and one with holes that has zero protection. Would you compromise and use a condom with holes and then comfort yourself by saying something is better than nothing?

There are only 2 kinds of sidewalks those that can protect pedestrians and those that can’t. Just make real sidewalks with physical separation to protect pedestrians or don’t bother wasting money.

Someone with better Chinese can chime in to fill in the rest or more accurately translate it but I think that more or less covers the gist of it.


But if you get rid of the Green zones where will BMW SUV drivers park for convenience?


What the mercedes do, park on the corner


Strollers in Taiwan, not a good idea. Just go old school, the kid tied up on the back or chest. Darn, now I know why people did that here.

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Triple fine, too close to a bus stop, red line and fire hydrant.