How do you dress up a convenience store chicken breast?

On the first glance, I thought it would be about a weird idea for a halloween costume or something :whistle:

I thought it was quite normal. Usually on a lonely night I buy a convenience store chicken breast because I can’t afford an escort. I then proceed to put a nice fitting dress on it before going out for a fun night out.


Steam the chicken breast in a rice cooker or sear in a pan. Slice thinly and eat on a salad or a sandwich.
Because I’m eating less carbs, I do eat a few of those soft japanese eggs from the same section as the chicken with a 7-11 Americano.

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Is that actually good? the hard boiled egg texture seems to counter the chicken breast texture. Or are you saying more like making a paste and incorporating into the mustard sauce? Egg yolks definitely work well in mustard sauces from what I have mucked around with

I was possibly joking :upside_down_face:

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A chicken bra?

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Ah gotcha. I was thrown off by starting with doritos. Anything goes after that :slight_smile:

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I call it Locos Doritos Chicken Breast.

Like this!

Ya anything goes. Mexican food in Taiwan is a good example :sweat_smile:

I think 711 should run away with this.

And then back our politicians with legalised weed.

Let the money flow! Economy grows 100% year on year. Fastest economic growth ever. Guiness world records immortalises Taiwan.

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