How do you make money living abroad?

Is there a skill you can do as a freelancer?

My graphic designer guy lives in the Philippines. He does good work and I pay him project by project which is a win win for him and me as well as I don’t need to employ a person in the office that may not always have a lot of work day to day.

There was a member on this forum that worked in Taoyuan servicing aircraft. However he was sent here by an airline to manage their servicing as Taiwan has a good servicing business. Boeing also had people here refitting cargo aircraft. So depends on what aircraft you are fixing. There were also for a long time US tech’s here servicing F16’s as well and training local techs.

If they were going to hire foreign maintenance staff full time, wouldn’t they do what the rest of the country does and choose SEA workers? Seems to me they’re unlikely to hire full time foreigners for that, though

I’ve met a few specialty guys in airplane maintenance in my life that are needed for big engines and specific parts, but they are flown around as needed

9 - 5. I should be so lucky. In the office at 7:15am for my first event of the day the NFL. My business operates 24 hours a day every day of the year.

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You might want to browse this thread before making The Big Move with that plan.


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They are sent in from overseas not hired locally. We had a member here Truant who managed servicing of aircraft in Taoyuan.

New incident with china airlines in japan - #11 by Truant

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There is a chance the OP might qualify under some of the aerospace areas of the Gold Card.


I find it hard to understand the question in the header because I live at home making money. :).
So I was thinking how would I make money if I left here lol.

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Yes I knew a foreign guy who was based in Taoyuan for years who was servicing aircraft. He had also lived in Ireland doing the same thing which blew me away at the time. This is going back many years.



Probably the same guy, not getting into specifics here.


Yes I posted a thread by Truant above in my earlier post about him servicing aircraft here. I had several other clients here from Boeing and other companies working on aircraft projects here.

Modifications were carried out in Taiwan by Evergreen Aviation Technologies Corporation,[2] a joint venture of Evergreen Group’s EVA Air and General Electric.[10] Boeing reacquired the four 747-400s; one former Air China aircraft,[11] two former China Airlines aircraft,[12][13] and one former Malaysia Airlines aircraft.[14]

The first 747 Large Cargo Freighter (LCF) was rolled out of the hangar at Taipei Taoyuan International Airport on August 17, 2006.[10] It successfully completed its first test flight on September 9, 2006, from this airport.[15]

He’s still at it!

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A good career for him then. Nice chap.

If you think this is a viable money making opportunity for you and something you’re interested in doing, why not start now?

you could ask that about every company without the bossman onsite all the time. You deal with it by hiring the best you can, and trying to implement sensible processes to catch shit sooner rather than later if there’s an issue, like every other company.

you treat them well and pay them well so they don’t try to fuck you over. And a lot of people don’t want to run a company - you ever try to start a company to compete with your job? Probably not, right?

I let the Australian government train me in how to do immigration processing as part of my duties for working in a mission in Brunei. I met some Taiwanese guys in Brunei who said come to Taiwan we know lots of people want to immigrate to Australia.

So I did. Sounded like a good idea at the time lol.


You might want to search you tube and Vimeo for all the people already doing this.


I dunno about “foreign talent”. I’m nothing special. Just have some familiarity with certain aircraft. But do they really hire English speakers to just live there and work on aircraft?

That’s interesting. What does that entail?

As a financial coach, I don’t necessarily have to do the consulting where I am. I can set up a Google Voice phone number and consult from anywhere.

That’s a good question. I want to pay off my house first, which I will do by the end of the year. I will have some startup costs, but all of my extra income is going toward my hosue atm. Plans are in the works, though.