How does noise pollution in Japan compare with Taiwan?

you just proved my point that Taiwan actually creates a lot of societal pressure for its inhabitants…

LMAO haha

Yet Taiwan is repeatedly their favourite overseas travel destination according to Japanese surveys and polls.

I guess they are so considerate of our feelings that they would choose to lie in a survey, lol. How sweet.


I just want to know why so many people in Taiwan scream when they sneeze


Who did?

“Face” creates a lot of pressure for people in Taiwan not to reveal their true feelings, ideas, thoughts, etc.

lack of civility

It’s a good place to write a book.


Of course. Because they are curious. I get curious about going to an opera show or a random place like Russia/Mongolia from time to time, but doesn’t mean I wanna live there. The thread is about noise pollution and I feel we are veering off topic here. If you are a Taiwanese and want to defend Taiwan at all costs feel free to do it. Besides, random surveys are not all inclusive. Japanese that I personally know that have visited Taiwan cite reasons such as close proximity to Japan, safety (very important for Japanese who fear anything that deviates from the norm) ease of Visa, being safer than China while having similar culture (many seem Taiwan as China-lite) and, in bigger cities, some chance of speaking English. Doesn’t mean they wanna put the badge of Taiwan on and decline undying love.

Dunno why but Taiwan has a real neediness about people acknowledging them in any sort of positive ways. Open up any newspaper in Taiwan and guarantee there will be some daily empty article about “XYZ foreigner says Taiwan is great…” All this patting their own back makes me a bit nauseous. Don’t be so insecure, Taiwan.

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Triggered much? You said Japanese people have an unfavourable opinion of Taiwan, which I don’t think can possibly be true when Taiwan has been their favourite overseas destination for 5 years in a row. Never have I claimed Japanese people would put on a badge and declare love for Taiwan or that they wanted to live in Taiwan in particular.

You say they want to visit solely because they are curious which makes no sense. Why would they be curious about Taiwan the most out of all the countries out there?

And that survey is conducted by AB-ROAD annually, which is like the Japanese Expedia. I would assume their survey body is large enough.

I can guarantee you no one wants your acknowledgement. If you want to make inaccurate claims, expect to be called out by others.

And Japan is definitely the winner in the competition of seeking foreigners’ approval. There are like 20 Japanese variety shows starring nothing but puppet foreigners patting Japan’s back. Some of them even air in Taiwan (like that show about Japanese women marrying foreigners; it can be pretty entertaining though). In Taiwan there are only like two, and one of them went out of air recently so it’s actually just one.

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My coworkers say the same thing. Though it may be partly because they can be foreigners, they often say Taiwanese are more flexible and less pressure.

I can understand why they don’t say critical things about Taiwan, but why do they keep going back to Taiwan for vacation more than anywhere else?

Everyone does that except the United States.

This is par for the course for any small country, ditto in Europe.

Number one need for Taiwan (Taipei) is to reduce the excessive number of scooters. Environment, noise, walkability and safety would get a huge boost. Taxation is probably the only way. At least for Taipei public transport is decent so lots of people do not really NEED a scooter.

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It’s all relative.

And ticketing. The EPA is now deploying acoustic cameras to nab the noise-making vehicles.

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and ““Cool Japan”” from NHK world

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I agree with this. The slow (but actually happening) electrification of Taipei’s petro buses will also help quiet down some of the roar.


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My pet peeve is those jackasses who fly down the road at 3am with no mufflers on their scooters giving the world a big, high decibel FU like it’s my fault they have small dicks.