How does noise pollution in Japan compare with Taiwan?

Noisy scooters!

Sometimes I wonder if Taipei street racing is a thing. At 0300. And if so, why are the police not taking action? Apart from regular incompetence, I mean.


That’s what I’m wondering. It happens night after night and no one seems to do anything about it.

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As if right on cue to demonstrate my earlier point. Taiwan (the ugly classmate) desperately seeks validation from the popular and attractive Japan. These articles cry needy and insecure. Would there be such an article if it was 99% of Romanians or Malaysians who said this? Severely doubt it

Proves nothing.

Also, where are you from? Based on the way you talk, probably not the United States.

I’d give more weight to anecdotes from anonymous hobos on the internet.

Also, do you know how surveys work? You want them to be random.

Lmao, if a newspiece about results of a survey means Taiwan is “desperately seeking validation from the popular and attractive Japan”, what does the opinion polls conducted by Japanese government say about Japan?

Um, try googling “pork pies”.


I actually did that right after writing that.

It has not been righted.


[quote=“OysterOmelet, post:37, topic:201040, full:true”]

I can understand why they don’t say critical things about Taiwan, but why do they keep going back to Taiwan for vacation more than anywhere else?

Most Japanese want to visit Hawaii not Taiwan. See the link below. But most 70% of Japanese do not even have passports and most Japanese have no desire to travel outside of Japan. I have Japanese relatives , they ask why I live in Taokao (What they call Kaoshuing) an most have no real idea of what living here is like (their viewpoints of Taiwan are it’s either really good, like good food, warm, tropical or really bad like dirty, lower living standards, ect., they tend tell me they really think vs. non family Japanese tend to say good fluff)

• Japan: desired overseas travel destinations 2019 | Statista


Link requires subscription. But asking them what their “desired” location is about as accurate as telling Taiwanese people the people are so nice and they love the food. Look at where they actually go.

As posted earlier, Taiwan has taken the top spot after Japan and Korea got into another spat over history books.

That said, I’ve been to Hawaii. Waikiki is basically another Japanese island.

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21 posts were split to a new topic: From noise

Funny, I used to think Taiwan was a bit noisy, then I lived in Mainland China for a while, which was much noisier, and then I lived in Mexico for a month, which made them both seem like a monastery (vow of silence and all that).

It is all relative I suppose, and also depends on where you are from originally. I think people from suburban or rural areas of “western” countries seem to be affected by this the most. I have lived in a smaller Canadian city when living in Canada, but I have lived in more urban (busy) areas for most of my adult life, and as such, find Taiwan’s noise levels about the same as urban Canada.

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[quote="OysterOmelet, post:56, topic:201040, full:true] Waikiki is basically another Japanese island.

Waikiki is neither Japanese nor an island.

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We already have another thread for these distinctions of cosmic significance.

Which left your inaccurate statement hanging here uncorrected. Thought I’d fix it for you again.


Talking about pork pies or just pies makes me miss Tourtière. (I saw meat pies at the Costco Food Court and will have try it to see if it’s close)

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Yes, location makes a huge difference. I am in big city, central but old house on small alleyway its quiet. 100m away, your house can be on a big noisy road with pretend hot rods.