How fast can you type in Chinese?

See how fast you can type in Chinese.

Be warned, You will come across odd vocab that you may not know the pinyin, which may therefore mess you up.

Also, it’s in simplified Chinese, sorry no Traditional (I’m bummed too)

I can type faster than most locals, because I use Hanyu Pinyin, and they use Cangjie or Bopomofo.


25 wpm. But this is a sort of strange test because it is isolated words or phrases, not connected prose. It’s easier to type when you have some logical idea of what’s coming next.

There’s a typing race thing on Facebook that uses quotations, which means connected text, and the passages are different lengths. Seems like it gives a more realistic number. Then again, I have no idea how fast I type in Chinese anyway. Seems like it depends a lot on how much your input system prioritizes combinations it’s seen before, too.

I wonder how voice input would fare on this? :smiley:



No matter how slow typing is, it’s easier than writing by hand… :blush:

2 wpm (words per month)

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The test doesn’t seem to work properly or make much sense. I just took it three times, and although the characters I typed all appeared in correct form in the typing line, I was informed that “you type 100+ characters per minute” (quite impossible!) but also that I have “0 correct words” and “0 wrong words” and “reached 0 points.” Huh?

But by my own rough estimate, the number I typed correctly each time was somwhere in the mid twenties. Perhaps the number they gave was the number of letters typed for the Hanyu Pinyin input?

about 2 words per minute if i use 注音符號 and almost as fast as i type in english (which isn’t that fast, but reasonable) if I use the google pinyin input

[quote=“Omniloquacious”]The test doesn’t seem to work properly or make much sense. I just took it three times, and although the characters I typed all appeared in correct form in the typing line, I was informed that “you type 100+ characters per minute” (quite impossible!) but also that I have “0 correct words” and “0 wrong words” and “reached 0 points.” Huh?

But by my own rough estimate, the number I typed correctly each time was somwhere in the mid twenties. Perhaps the number they gave was the number of letters typed for the Hanyu Pinyin input?[/quote]

Same results here.

I let my 4th grader try it. She said, “This is nonsense!” and ended up with 34 characters per minute 0 correct words and 0 wrong words. :loco:


If I was simply copying characters by hand I’m sure I’d be faster than I was on that test.

:idunno: I had all 33 characters typed out correctly with 15 seconds to go, but the results read: 12 words per minute, 1 right, 0 wrong…

And yes, the simplified sucks.

After each word (詞) that’s separated by a space, you have to hit “enter”. If you typed it correctly, the word will be highlighted green, else it’ll be red.

Sorry for the grave dig, but people on my fb are competing using the 10fastfingers website:



Using 注意符號, with predictive texting (no tones). I am even more of a hen-pecker (wait, that comes across poorly).

Cheater and still a poor performance. Thanks for the fun site @hansioux!

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On mobile? Nice!
What IME are you using?

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Interestingly, I just heard a program about the fastest typing input methods for Chinese a few weeks back:

Conclusion is that Wubi is the winner by a landslide but that requires one to know how to write the characters, which I do not bother learning because my brain thinks in pronunciation and not squiggles. I did rethink my laziness, however, as pinyin input is a form of CCP control (it forces standard Mandarin pronunciation and therefore kills off dialects which are really languages) and I kinda wanted to learn Wubi to spite them. But there’s one of me and 1.5 billion of them so I’ll stick with traditional pinyin input on a QWERTY keyboard.

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Hanyu Pinyin

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