How long should Taiwan bank card work for?

When I was at the tax office in Taiwan a few months back to file my taxes (now I am back in Canada) the lady at the tax office told me I had to let my Taiwan bank (happens to be Union Bank) know my current ARC number (it had recently changed) OR the tax refund direct deposit would not be deposited into my account when the tax refunds were to be deposited.

I had never thought of that and of course I went to the bank right after to let them know my new ARC number.

On that note:

My ARC is set to expire on August 27th.

Would all deposits be rejected into that account after August 27th?

I think the bank probably noted the new ARC # and expiry date and will make the account dormant (no deposits/transactions allowed, bank card cancelled) after August 27th.

That is your first mistake right there.

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I don’t think there is an expiration date for any Taiwanese bank card. You can check online if u already setup online banking. You may go to any ATM and check to see if it is still valid.