How long to wait for the physical NHI card after the first time application?

Anyone has recent experiences receiving the physical NHI card for the very first time after meeting the eligibility requirement (without a Taiwanese employer, living in Taiwan for 6 months)?

  • Can we go to the NHI headquarters or the NHI Taipei Division office to apply it in person?
  • Can we receive the physical NHI card onsite, immediately (on the same day)?
  • If the physical card has to be mailed out, how many days does it take to receive it by mail?
  • Can a friend pick up the physical NHI card in the NHI office instead of waiting for the mail?

I’d like to know the number of days, because I have another trip planned shortly after I would become eligible for NHI card. I also need to cancel the rented apartment before leaving Taiwan - thus no mailing address afterwards.

Many thanks to anyone who can share experiences or insights :smiley:

You can apply at any NHI office. Just need to pay the fee and have passport picture.
The card is then mailed to your address.

You can’t get it at any office as they have to be manufactured elsewhere and are then directly mailed out.

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