How old are you all?

How old are you all?

  • 21 - 30
  • 31 - 40
  • 41 - 50
  • Young at heart

0 voters

Just curious about what age group people belong to. will you indulge me? Thanks.

Nice split there :wink:

no one under 20 or over 50?

As Groucho Marx said “You’re as young as the woman you feel”.

Bad poll; we have people under 21 and over 50 on the board. Please try again. :laughing:

Don’t change it!
I enjoy being in the youngest bracket. :slight_smile:

Well :grandpa: … a long time ago… :grandpa:

[quote][color=olive]The best years are the forties; after fifty a man begins to deteriorate, but in the forties he is at the maximum of his villainy." [/color]
H.L. MENCKEN[/quote]

Somthing to look forward to! :stuck_out_tongue:

As of yesterday, I am a year wiser. Raise a glass to the OBFF club. (OLD BALD FAT FARTS CLUB)