How the Dems are preparing for the Fall elections

You have to wonder about a party and its “values” when people can run a campaign by threatening voters that if they do not vote for him that party will win. The very fact that this is a feasible strategy says a mouthful about the current state of the Democrat Party.[/quote]

Says a lot about the state of politics in the Rovian era. When the Republicans vacated the middle part of the political spectrum, the Democrats moved in to fill the void. Now, some yahoo out in Nebraska might think he can paint the Dems as a bunch of city-slicker, Yale-educated welfare queens moonlighting as abortionists, but none of that stuff has any reasonance or reality. 2/3 of Americans want the Dems to take the Congress back, according to the latest AP polls.

Frankly, the Dems don’t need paint – they can present the Republicans with photographic clarity, blemishes and all:

This guy’s tax return probably did not benefit from the GOP tax cuts.

Thanks to Abramoff, we’ve got a pretty good idea of how the average Republican politician gets his money. Between Duke Cunningham (new prison nickname: “Boytoy”), Tom “Gettin’ Hammered” Delay … on down to Reed, Ney and the others, Americans are seeing what a few too many years in charge of the trough have given the American people.

On a bigger level, a majority of Americans can see that we were lied to about the justifications for the Iraq war.

Thanks to Plamegate, armoredhumveegate, etc. we’ve also seen that the Republicans put the “needs” of their party above the interests of our nation.


Given that you do not have any proof whatsoever that a crime was committed in Plamegate. Given that you have no proof that the army did not address the armed hummer gate issue. Given that you still have no given anything conclusive on Bush’s national guard record. Given that you have not shown that the White House will topple because of Abramoff and Safavian. I guess we must conclude that your allegations endless as they are, are without basis and that really amounts to what exactly? Smearing. The very crime that you are accusing Rove of. So that is really funny. It is almost as funny as the time when you were telling us that you wanted Bush to do exactly what he had done in terms of dealing with North Korea. Again, remember, we are laughing AT not WITH you hahaaha.

Seriously, though, you are getting a bit weak. These seem almost like stale, canned versions of the MFGRisms that you used to throw out with abandon to our great amusement before. Are you getting tired? heat getting you down? Time for a vacation?

Fred, you just go on telling yourself that everything’s fine with the GOP…

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Who said everything was all right with the GOP? BUT it is so often important in life to deal with FACTS and when you have them then we can talk but until you do, it is like arguing with someone about whether UFOs and aliens really exist. Now, now. I fully understand that you believe in all of these things but snap out of it man or people will start feeling sorry for you.

We can deal with facts, but can you? One of the key facts is that Bush’s credibility is in the toilet on Iraq, with a solid majority of Americans thinking he lied about the rationale for war. Another key fact is that Bush’s popularity is floating right next to his credibility. Recent AP polls also have 2/3 of Americans wanting the Republicans out and the Dems in – bet you simply hate that fact.

Want some tissue paper? Not for your eyes, mind you… somebody’s got to wipe up the mess that Bush’s policies have left behind.

So where are your alll-important FACTS?

Yes, you have been very busy smearing Bush on this but you have never given us any facts to show that Bush lied. When you do, then we can talk. Otherwise, congratulations. You and your ilk have been very successful in lowering the president’s popularity with your frequent but inaccurate and unproved allegations.

So smear away but don’t be upset when someone else adopts your techniques. Hypocrisy is not a very good quality.

That at least is a FACT. I accept that FACT and I hope that we do not lose power in 2006 midterm elections BUT I still do not see where the Democrats are going to take us. What are the solutions? Can you name any? Especially when you, yourself, seem to support most of Bush’s policy initiatives with regard to North Korea. How are we going to be sure that you are merely after power and that you won’t simply keep the same policies that Bush has in place, no matter how unpopular they are?

No. You keep it. Your dialogues are onanistic enough. I want to make sure that your keyboard doesn’t get sticky. haha

Please cite any one of the facts cited above with which you think there is a problem. I assure you that there are polls supporting my contentions that his credibility on Iraq, his popularity and the desires of 2/3 of Americans to vote in Dems this year have been posted and discussed quite a bit on the forum threads here.

But of course you don’t have anything left to argue on these points that I probably haven’t already heard here or here.

nevermind the coalition of the WILTING…that’s a given. the GOP is gonna have to bob and weave their way around that mess.

a closer to home issue the democrats should burn the republipukes on is the stem cell debate…how big of an idiot is that drooling texan currently residing in the west wing?

he seems to think a microscopic dot is more valuable than all the folks currently suffering from spinal injuries, diabetes, heart disease, etc.

is he really so clueless, or just a puppet for some really nasty folks…
a couple of weeks ago, he equated stem cell research with murder.

sending kids to Iraq to get killed for nothing is sound policy and curing diseases is immoral…interesting logic.

the upcoming elections are not about a finding a new path for America. they are about getting us back into some state of normalcy. at this point, i am fairly certain that anyone with an ounce of common sense could run the show better than the criminals currently roaming the White House halls…

You mean back to having jet planes flown into our sky scrapers? That’s what pre-Bush normalcy got us.

Ummm, MFGR, I know that you have been a bit tired and beaten down recently but if you bothered to read my response to your post you would have noticed that I accepted the 2/3rds of Americans intend to vote for Democrats FACT. I said I was not happy about it but accepted that. I merely have requested that you back up your other endless allegations with facts in a similar fashion. And you have not. What you have done is to pull the usual stunt of responding with the approach that you always use by pretending to misinterpret something that I or another poster has said. So let me pull a MFGR in return.

Can you verify that the “Americans” in question cited in your poll are not citizens of Brazil or Argentina or Mexico? They are “Americans” as well aren’t they? Did it say anywhere in the poll that they were citizens of the US? If not, well then thanks for playing, back to the kiddie pool with you, etc. etc. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Also just for convenience, here’s our original exchange…

MFGR wrote:

Recent AP polls also have 2/3 of Americans wanting the Republicans out and the Dems in – bet you simply hate that fact.

Fred Smith wrote: That at least is a FACT. I accept that FACT and I hope that we do not lose power in 2006 midterm elections BUT I still do not see where the Democrats are going to take us. What are the solutions? Can you name any? Especially when you, yourself, seem to support most of Bush’s policy initiatives with regard to North Korea. How are we going to be sure that you are merely after power and that you won’t simply keep the same policies that Bush has in place, no matter how unpopular they are? [/quote]

I don’t know who this guy is or what he represents. But he sure as hell scares the bejesus out of me. :astonished: :astonished:

Is this the poster boy for the GOP. “Look what happens when you vote for an ass ?”

Here is a decent starting point for the Democrats…

point out the under-handed, despicable move the GOP just made with the minimum wage bill. we all should have seen it coming, these pricks wouldn’t give a dime to the poor, working class people of America without making sure the rich could benefit in a much bigger way…

can’t wait for this election. i certainly hope this will go down in history as the election that got rid of the psuedo-christian a-holes that have been working so hard to make the rich, richer.

i am keeping my fingers crossed for Bill Frist…i so hope he becomes the front-runner for the Republipukes in 2008, it’ll be lots of fun. This numbskull thinks gay marriage and flag burning are the two most pressing issues facing America…oh please, oh please let this guy take the reins!!!

he just might be their candidate if he can avoid those AIDS carrying tear drops…lol.


This guy’s tax return probably did not benefit from the GOP tax cuts.


I don’t know who this guy is or what he represents. But he sure as hell scares the bejesus out of me. :astonished: :astonished:

Is this the poster boy for the GOP. “Look what happens when you vote for an ass ?”[/quote]

I think this may actually be a photo of one of the few remaining hardcore Bush supporters. Like taking a photo of a rhinoceros, it’s a bit dangerous. It’s SOP that you have to subdue him before taking his picture, but you can never really get the wildness out of his eyes.

Sorry I find the whole “we aren’t as bad as Bush” line to be just a bit unsatisfying. I’m not exactly planning to vote Republican in 2008 but may have to bc the democrats have shown no signs of producing a viable candidate. What have they got? Hilary? Needs an image makeover. Lieberman? yeah he’s real inspiring. Howard Dean? where do I start. I’d probably take a Clinton (minus the sex scandals) but they show no signs of producing one.

Actually, the Dems have been putting out a lot of ideas – just because the Republicans have been screwing up to the beat of their own drum doesn’t mean the Dems are only saying “we’re not as bad as Bush.” Being “not as bad as Bush” is a ridiculously low standard to keep, somewhat like aspiring to maintain breath slightly better than a coprophage. Although 20 years ago, there were folks who could poke fun at how similar the parties were, I think we’re well beyond that. Take everything from social security to national security, and you’ll find the Dems support policies that benefit the American people instead of narrow special-interest groups.

What do you mean by “viable”? I hope you’re not planning your 2008 votes by merely jumping on the bandwagon for the one you think will win. Feel free to vote for whomever you think is the best candidate, by all means.

If you’d like a “Clinton”, I’d say Hilary is far closer than Roger to getting the presidency. Lieberman is probably going to be running as an independent for the Senate if he gets his butt kicked in the primaries, and I can’t even guess what the future holds for him in 2008. Howard Dean probably won’t run, given that he’s too busy on his 50-state strategy. New candidates are being brought on line – state governors are always good and the 2006 elections are also including a lot more “Fighting Dems” who’ve returned from Iraq and Afghanistan with credentials that should make the chickenhawk GOPpers crap their pants.

Great so it will be very easy for you to articulate what those policies are. Start anywhere…

I’ll save you some time by providing this link. Enjoy!

Many thanks!

I could not help but notice these areas in quotes:



Would you be so kind as to offer your views on these three areas. Much appreciated.

It seems to me that the Dems are saying that they will do everything it takes to make everyone in America happy, healthy and safe.
Unfortunately, it sounds like every other campaign promise (Republican or Democrat). Wonderful idealistic dreams, with no real plan on implementation.

Just say what you think the people want to hear. Most of them will only listen to the sound bites anyway.

Makes one wonder why the Republicans fought so hard to prevent any sort of effort to unify the gathering and analysis of intelligence, why they didn’t want a 9-11 Commission, why they didn’t secure our ports adequately, why they supported so strongly turning over many of our major ports to Dubai-based groups, why despite all the expenditures for HazMat suits for “port security” in places like Montana and Nebraska we still can’t even get food, water and transport moving in disasters like Katrina. As usual, the Republicans have been sitting on their asses – a well-earned reputation picked up from a whole string of their fiascos led by cronies with no accountability.

And what the heck’s up with all the budget cuts for first-responders? Why is it that since 9-11, the Republicans have been doing everything possible to screw the police, fire and EMTs as fast as possible?

Makes me wonder why it is that the Republicans seem to hate average Americans so much.

Republican values always come to the foreground when a crisis hits. I recall how the FEMA chief (chosen of course for his skill with Arabian horses) took his sweet-ass time going on a culinary tour of the Deep South while staff were trying to reach him. The recent Homeland Security spending scandals of course are taking a toll on the Republicans, as are the spendthift ways in which they jump into unnecessary wars costing us something like $300 billion already. Of course with tax policies aimed at the top 1% of Americans, we’re left with Bush outdoing Reagan for wacky spending.

Well, what I like is in this other quote: