How to apply for a dual citizenship (with country of origin, after naturalization)?

Hi i am a filipina who has a taiwan id and passport already… but i want to apply for my ph passport again… what do i do and how will i do about it? Thanks!

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Republic Act No. 9225, approved August 29, 2003, provided that natural-born citizens of the Philippines who had lost their Philippine citizenship by reason of their naturalization as citizens of a foreign country would be deemed to have re-acquired Philippine citizenship upon taking an oath of allegiance to the Republic, that their children whether legitimate, illegitimate or adopted, below eighteen years of age, shall be deemed citizens of the Philippines, and that natural born citizens of the Philippines who become citizens of a foreign country subsequent to its enactment would retain their Philippine citizenship upon taking the oath.

(According to Wikipedia)

I think a first step would be getting into contact with a embassy/cultural office of the Philippines.

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Okay i will do that. Thank you.