How to bribe in Taiwan

I thought forumosa didnt support criminal activities…

Lack of understanding it isn’t.
“But MAMMMY! I’m SPECIAL, I tell you! SPECIAL!” That’s all you’re saying.
If you’re so sure of your eyesight, then the simple test they use here shouldn’t be a problem. If on the other hand, it IS a problem, then just perhaps you don’t see so good as what you think you do.
Personally, I have quite enough problems with the drivers here. God knows, I don’t need the additional problems caused by someone who can’t see well enough to get a license.
But enough of my personal opinions. You’re looking for help in getting on the road despite your disability in the eyes (sic) of the testers here. I suggest a big fat NT$227 in fresh crisp new notes in a nice red envelope.

[quote]Does doing it with no specific knowledge of the circumstances increase the pleasure?
No pleasure, my good man, other than the warm cosiness inside that comes from pillorying an admitted would-be dirty scrofulous scofflaw.

Shanro, calm down a bit, personally I don’t think that you could possibly be any worst as a driver then any other person driving on the roads in Taiwan, but you have to understand that when you post a topic like this one you are going to get a lot off crap thrown at you and when you back it up with statements like “superior position” it just makes everyone want to try to get your throat. :raspberry:
Now if money isn’t an issue why not go back on vacation to Australia and get a motorcycle license and just renew your IDL???

[quote=“Lappy”]Shanro, calm down a bit, personally I don’t think that you could possibly be any worst as a driver then any other person driving on the roads in Taiwan, but you have to understand that when you post a topic like this one you are going to get a lot off crap thrown at you and when you back it up with statements like “superior position” it just makes everyone want to try to get your throat. :raspberry:
Now if money isn’t an issue why not go back on vacation to Australia and get a motorcycle license and just renew your IDL???[/quote]

Because I am going to Laos for my vacation. :slight_smile:

And my “superior position” bit might have been a bit over the top, but it was completely valid, as the contrary position has zero facts to back it up… It really does remind me of arguing with a Mormon. Nobody here has threatened to beat me up yet, unlike one Mormon I met in JhuDong once.

I could get TomHill to beat you up if you like. He has buns of steel.

If you walk around with your mouth open like a toilet, someone is bound to shit in it.

Because I am going to Laos for my vacation. :slight_smile:

And my “superior position” bit might have been a bit over the top, but it was completely valid, as the contrary position has zero facts to back it up… It really does remind me of arguing with a Mormon. Nobody here has threatened to beat me up yet, unlike one Mormon I met in JhuDong once.[/quote]
Well I have to say, you do know how to make friends… I have to ask thou what kind of eye problem do you have you said you have difficulty reading signs from far?? Considering they are in Chinese I don’t see any point in reading them anyways but if that also means that you will have problem judging if the car in front of you on the freeway is going 110 like you or parked over two lanes due to a flat tire I would argue that there might be a problem. I do trust doctors (even eye doctors) but I still like to make my own opinion. Also certain religious groups use intimidation as an approach when arguing just like you so I wouldn’t throw any stones…

You are not wrong there. Where you are completely wrong, to an upsetting extent, is the claim holding a license and/or my eyesight could possibly contribute to an accident. That is complete garbage and further more is liable.

Put yourself in my position. You have an eyesight problem when it comes to reading signs far away, but making out physical objects is no problem. You want to get a license, even by illegal means, with the knowledge none of these things can possibly cause an accident. Then you get hateful and spiteful posts about how your blindness could/will kill somebody and you have no right to be on the road… It is completely untrue, but your willingness (eagerness) to engage in such slander does not cease.

That only works if the opponent wearies himself out by punching my buns.

Shanro: From what I read you are saying that the eye test is not a good measure of ‘driving’ eye sight ability…? You expect to fail the test and be told that you can’t drive because the Taiwanese might not understand that even though you failed the test your eyes are still good enough for driving… Is that right?

Getting back on topic thou…
Personally I have never had to use bribery to get anything that I really want (also I have not been given the opportunity to receive one so I don’t know how I would react in that moment) but I don’t see what the problem is, we grow up with bribes, we use it in child raising all the time. “Little Tommy if you do your homework then you will get an ice-cream from daddy, doesn’t that sound good?”

Learn to read. I don’t give a fiddler’s fart about what you “think” or what you “feel.” You’re asking how to break the law because – and let’s not forget this very salient point for a second – because YOU CAN’T GET A FUCKING LICENSE otherwise!
I haven’t made any mention, I don’t believe, about your ability or skill in any other respect. ONLY about your desire to lord it over everyone else because you “feel” that you’re somehow “special” to the extent that you’re asking us, the most law-abiding folks on this green beautiful island, how to ride roughshod over the LAWS of the LAND, just because you want to.
YOU think you’re ok to drive and you have a bunch of so-called experts (or at least you claim to) who agree with you. I never met any of them. Or you. I have ONLY your posts to judge you on. And you’re coming up woefully short.
But I feel for you, really I do. Like, myself, I have it on DOCTOR’S fucking ORDERS that heroin jacked mainline into that fat vein on my dick is actually, in MY parTICular case, very very good for me, and that all those stupid laws they have about junkies are just stupid hassles for the little people and I shouldn’t bother about them. It really is a crying INJUSTICE that my personal condition is burdened by the silly laws of lesser beings. It really is.

Easy Sandy . . . I mean, what are the odds he runs into you?

OK. I bribe my kids. I’ll admit that. And I’ve had to bribe border officials four times. (Columbia, Tanzania, and Nigeria 2X)

Does this problem you have have a technical name?

It’s not simple hyperopia/farsightedness?

Is it some form of dyslexia?

[quote=“zender”]Easy Sandy . . . I mean, what are the odds he runs into you?

I’m Brian Wilson, me.

You can’t read signs from afar, but you can make out “physical objects”. What, like mountains, seas, the Great Wall of China? You have a very unique disorder.
Are you taking the piss?

Tch, sandman, such a petty thing to get one’s tartan panties in a knot over. Laws aren’t sacrosanct. Some are more useful than others, and while most of us can agree it’s a good idea to follow the law most of the time, many of us also use our discretion for the times when we think it’s all right NOT to. Is someone talking on a cell phone less morally culpable if he’s involved in an accident than someone who is using a (legal) “hands-free” unit? Of course not - all studies have shown that “hands free” units distract a driver just as much as a traditional handset. Have you never driven over the speed limit just because you thought it was fun? If you think you can do it and be safe at the same time, why not? Be prepared to face the legal consequences if you get caught sure, but otherwise go for it. I’m not going to live my life wondering if I’m “keeping up with the Joneses”, either materially or morally. I know how I ought to live, and so do you. It sounds like dude is trying to overcome a local technicality that he feels is not reflective of his ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. Big deal. I drove a three quarter ton truck when I was eight. And I can only guess at the kazillion traffic laws deliberately overlooked by drivers in Taiwan. There are more important things to save your outrage for.

Now now, lets not make fun of sandman’s tartan panties, he is not the only one that is throwing stones in this glass house.

They’re NOT panties! They’re a manly man’s kind of smock arrangement. Get it right before you cast your filthy aspersions at me.

[quote]I drove a three quarter ton truck when I was eight[/quote]That’s a slightly larger than average lawnmower, not a truck.

But I feel for you, really I do. Like, myself, I have it on DOCTOR’S fucking ORDERS that heroin jacked mainline into that fat vein on my dick is actually, in MY parTICular case, very very good for me, and that all those stupid laws they have about junkies are just stupid hassles for the little people and I shouldn’t bother about them. It really is a crying INJUSTICE that my personal condition is burdened by the silly laws of lesser beings. It really is.[/quote]
I have to ask thou is your wife/girlfriend/life partner/one night fun (pick which ever one suits the situation best) happy about this arrangement? Well, I don’t have to but I felt like it…

WhatEVER! :hand: