How to fit in with Taiwanese coworkers?

Lots of Taiwanese don’t drink though. Unless you mean bubble tea.


I’ve always thought that the biggest problem with Taiwanese workplaces is that people don’t go for Friday drinks. So many stupid problems could be solved by a quick beer and a handshake on a Friday

Instead everything festers for months


People are really into working out these days. That’s a much easier topic to make conversation about than the stuff used to talk about

I think another issue in Taiwan is that most people have a good group of friends from school or university and hang out with them all the time. People don’t look to make friends with coworkers and a lot of relationships are intentionally kept on a superficial level


I mean simple sugarless tea during the “afternoon tea”

Taiwanese arent great at “making friends” as in talking to someone they dont know and take that talking further and be friends with them. I have met the ones who are different though and many are good at conversations but most of them are either very extroverted or have abroad culture experience. Otherswise taiwan as in whole is a society where friends are what u make in school or college and then they just stay in your life not what u make on street by like saying hi to someone u meet in a library reading same book.That doesnt happen here too often. But then again people here arent too focused on keeping the friendships either. We are at the time where friendships and relationships are moving down the list of priorities of people.


If it advances their life, career, wealth than they would become your ‘friend’, if not they just pretend.


I was called a “fake American”.

Same here. Many of them seem to have hobbies like eating out, sleeping, and being on their phone.

I’ve had a similar experience in many ways

I notice that many ABCs are seen as “stupid” because they are often not as familiar with the culture as locals.

Many locals will also falsely accuse you of not learning the culture.

And what aspects of the culture should we learn?

Certain things in Taiwan are just not my cup of tea. Such as the music, or Youtube. Youtube here is super brain dead.

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Or the superstition nonsense like taping a bag of GuaiGuai to your computer, or choosing the right auspicious day to move, burning ghost money etc… Got no time for that.


I’ve had more problem with second generation Chinese Americans in the us than I did with just Asians.

Asian Americans can be extremely cliquey

Couldn’t agree more. That stuff is such a bore. (but i like those crisps) Goes in one ear and out the other with me. Its 90% related to money too.

Three words.


I guess they are letters.


At my first job, the general manager 總經理 made a big deal about how I wasn’t socializing a lot with coworkers. He kept saying that in Taiwan, socializing with coworkers is the norm. I was also told the same thing during my military service.

I just think that many Taiwanese people look for “reasons” to create trouble for those who are seen as “different”.

I don’t waste time and money on these things

So who, may I ask, were you socializing with? If you’re going to spend the energy to socialize, then it might as well be your coworkers. You won’t get social credit points socializing with your book club friends.

I mainly hang out with people who have similar backgrounds. Mainly third culture kids.

I prefer not to get too close to coworkers. That’s based on my prior experiences.

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