how to get a driver license/motor cycle license in Taiwan
I have a driver license. I have one from a western country with a reciprocal treaty with taiwan. I have the option of basically trading in my original country license and switching it with a taiwanese one. However, I would prefer an other option whereby I just apply directly for a taiwanese moto/car license?
Is there a way to do it directly.
I’m pretty sure there are a lot of threads on this topic.
The process for exchanging your driver license is to go to your embassy place in Taiwan and get it notarized, afterwards I think you have to get that authenticated, but I can’t remember. Then go to the Shilin DMV if you’re in Taipei or to whatever one is local to you if you’re outside Taipei. It’s up to the employee working that day if you have to surrender your license or not. I was supposed to but the employee didn’t take it.
Otherwise if you want the car license then you either have to go to a driving school or I believe some DMVs have the car test. You might have to schedule it. I’m not 100% sure as I didn’t go this route. Search the forum and I’m sure you will find this answer.
To get a scooter license (white plate) you will go to your local DMV and do the computer test. After you pass you will go and do the driving part. You can practice it on their off hours. They also have a scooter to rent for the test for about 25 NTD.
For the big motorcycles (red plate) I believe you have to go to a class for this. If you have a motorcycle license from your home country you might be able to exchange it (I’m not 100% sure on this) but you have to have proof that you had so many hours of safety training.
All of these will require a physical before you can take the test. There is usually a doctor’s office really close or inside the DMV that will do these.