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How much do English teachers make per month? 30K?

(edited by bolm)

Starting wages are often $600 to $700/hr. Monthly earnings depend on hours worked.

for cram schools, 168176ntd/hr * 14hr/wk.

How does anybody live on that kind of income?

if you just need an ARC with small supplemental income, it might be an option. also, you can teach up to 32hr/wk, and there can be additional non teaching paid hours, iiuc.

since marco said on hourly rate and monthly earnings dependence on hours worked, i guess he is talking on cram school language teachers. For them, minimum salary for foreigners is not applied. so, the possible minimum monthly wage may be less than half of typical English teachers monthly income.

@lusty_gem, no matter whatever jobs you are thinking of, you should clearly understand what are the requirements and procedures to switch jobs, especially if it is in the middle of your contract. you could be screwed, if something was wrong. the easiest timing must be when your contract is expiring.

if your degree is education related, english teacher for public schools in government program might be better than cram school teacher, because their salary is by the fixed table regardless of your nationality. for cram school teacher, you should also compete with students or spouses of citizens who can be less qualified and don’t need work permits applied by schools.

if your degree is related to manufacturing, eventual engineer/manager position might be better.

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Nope. Too low to be approved. The WDA won’t accept that low wage for approval.

You’re thinking of minimum wage. The WDA does not approve English teaching salaries at minimum wage.

Thank you for the advised. The company I work at doesn’t offer overtime. In the manufacturing industry overtime is the life for people, without overtime, salary is just enough.

They don’t. It doesn’t exist for foreign professionals.

practically, they may not approve, but technically, there is no saraly requirement for cram school english teachers work permit.

yah, thats how some make ~40k. you may get more practical information from organizations of/for migrant workers than here.

do you speak some chinese? learning chinese in your free time might help something.

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That’s lower than minimum wage :face_with_monocle:

I thought there was a minimum salary requirement of $58k or something for foreign English teachers to get an ARC? And I think English “teaching assistants” (usually locals) make half that.

I don’t think this law differentiates between cram schools and real schools, does it?

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Here is some news about Filipino English teachers.

And here is the application info:

If you don’t qualify for the English teacher position, then you can at least apply for the teaching assistant position.


i didn’t know it. please let me know the source of the information.

which law?

That’s what most foreign English teachers (including here on Forumosa) tell me their local TA’s make.

This one:

so, which law set the munimum salary requirement?

Oh, you’re asking me to actually quote you the law? I won’t make any promises, but I’ll look it up if I’m bored later today.

I found out about it here on Forumosa. I’ll find the thread.


the minimum salary for foreign special professionals teaching at cram schools is ~48k. it may be set lower than the 58k or something for language teachers, because they need higher qualifications than language teachers and less probably take away employment opportunity of locals.

Sorry I don’t understand your comment. What is the difference between a “foreign special professional teaching at a cram school” and a “language teacher”? They are both English teachers, are they not?

Or are you talking about foreign teachers who teach other subjects?

Who? Non-language teachers?


i must have said Short-term Supplementary Learning Centers instead of cram schools.

So why did you say the minimum salary is lower for non-language teachers if they require higher qualifications than language teachers?

So, are you saying a foreign teacher who teaches Math, for example, makes less than a foreign teacher who teaches ESL?

I still don’t understand your whole comment.