I don’t know how to posts pictures either. I can post small images using imageshack but they are so small it’s not worth it. Do I have to host any and all pictures I want to post? Thanks to Tainan Cowboy I can change the size of any pictures now but I can’t post em.
Are there any kind souls out there willing to explain how to post images? I want to pm pictures too, someone just asked me a question about a place I travelled to and I’d like to send some pictures. :help:
You need to sign up with a picture hosting Web site. I use www.pbase.com. You can get a free account, but the memory is limited.
Once you’ve uploaded your pics to the Web site, click on the pic you want to post on here. Then copy and paste the URL.
So, on my Web site, I have a pic of a friend I wanna post on Formosa. So I copy the URL, which is pbase.com/seanjessica/image/16989711. I then paste this in my post.
Now, for Pbase anyway, you need to delete the name of your account; for me, it’s seanjessica. So now you have pbase.com/image/16989711.
You need to decide which size. Large is too big for Forumosa, so go for medium; add “/medium” to the URL, and stick “.jpg” on the end: pbase.com/image/16989711/medium.jpg.
Now highlight the URL you have created and hit the ‘Img’ button, as you would with a quote. This will put on each end of the URL.
When you submit the post, the URL will become a picture:
Go here and sign up. Its free and they don’t sell yr info and they do not spam. photobucket.com/
Upload your sized images to your gallery.
Under your photo-thumbnails ( the small pics you have uploaded to your gallery) you will see 3 link-type choices.
The top one is what you copy and use for posting to forumosa or other web sites.
Also use this with to email the pics to people.
This is different than the forumosa posting method.
Just remember there are 2 ways - the forumosa way & the other way.
Hope this helps.
p.s. to post a pic you found on the Internet, right click the pic, then hit ‘properties’. Copy the ‘location’ URL and paste it in you post. Then highlight it and hit the Img button.
If you want to send a picture to someone the easiest way is to email it to them as an attachment. You could upload it somewhere and PM them the link, but emailing the whole file is easier if you have their email address.
What software do you use to do that, or does the Cowboy do it for you?[/quote]
Fantastic jumpoff point for what is a perfectly timed comment now …
Please, please spread the word, evangelize, shout from the mountain tops:
Don’t post wide pictures!
By wide, I mean the kind that stretch the width of the thread page. When that happens, it is incredibly hard to read the page. Horizontal scrolling for every sentence, etc. If you do make this mistake, please notice, go back, edit/reduce the size of your picture (with your new software, a penknife or toenail clippers), and repost it.
(Rumor has it that, while this is actually a rule, hasn’t made it into the written Rules yet)