How to send package with COD through 7-11

I have a bunch of items to sell / give away and I want to give the other person the option of 7-11 COD (even just for the shipping charge).

I know how to send packages through 7-11 where I pay the shipping, but I have not seen how to do COD so that the buyer pays.

Has anyone dealt with that before and can direct me on the general procedure or can reccomend a site that makes it easy to list and ship your unwanted stuff?

Just ask an employee. They will help you.

It’s done through the computer terminal there. It’s called iBon at 711 and Famiport at Familymart.

If I get some time. I’ll take pics of the steps.

14 posts were split to a new topic: From send package

is it here


then here

Thanks, that seems exactly what I am looking for.

I went through the login process and registration process and ended up at at a complex system that was for a businesses selling things and it wanted integrations with shopping platforms. That was overkill for non business user.