Okay, so this is probably a stupid question, but I am willing to put my intelligence on the line in order to get an answer from someone who knows the culture better… When Taiwanese boys like you, how do they show it? I am from America so I am used to the flat out asking someone on a date, or vice versa… How does it work here? I want to figure out whether or not he just wants to be friends so I don’t make a complete dumb foreigner move…but maybe that’s what I have to do?
Sorry if this is a repeat, but I swear I looked…^^;
Find someone who knows him well, and ask them whether he likes you. Going through a third party, and asking whether he likes you (rather than stating that you like him) might save you some face if it falls flat.
Chesseyer, you might want to join the womens forum and ask that question in there, otherwise the only advice you will get is gonna be from fat, balding, 40+ year old white men.
Generally if a Taiwanese guy is into you, he will call a lot, in a fashion that might be not be cool if you didn’t find him interesting. Also he will act like a teenager. Think middle school, or even high school, asking you to do things always looking at you and then looking away. Also listen for him quizzing you about your type, what kinds of things you find attractive, how many boyfriends you have had etc. This all part of the feeling you out to see if you might be interested in him too. I also find Taiwanese guys who are interested, move really slowly (by western standards) but they will do little nice things for you all the time. Unfortunately they tend to keep things in that mystery are you just being nice or is there something there ground FOREVER… until they are sure of their next move.
I don’t know if any of that helps, but this is what I have observed and experienced (myself and also through my other friends both Taiwanese and Foreign).
Generally if a Taiwanese guy is into you, he will call a lot, in a fashion that might be not be cool if you didn’t find him interesting. Also he will act like a teenager. Think middle school, or even high school, asking you to do things always looking at you and then looking away. Also listen for him quizzing you about your type, what kinds of things you find attractive, how many boyfriends you have had etc. This all part of the feeling you out to see if you might be interested in him too. I also find Taiwanese guys who are interested, move really slowly (by western standards) but they will do little nice things for you all the time. Unfortunately they tend to keep things in that mystery are you just being nice or is there something there ground FOREVER… until they are sure of their next move.
I don’t know if any of that helps, but this is what I have observed and experienced (myself and also through my other friends both Taiwanese and Foreign).
what delieadalish said can be true, however not always, the guys can just be interested in you as friends.
do what someone else said, go through a third party.
DON’T AND I REPEAT DON’T do what i do which is ask them straight out. It scares the living shit out of them and even if they were interested they back off because they can’t take the straightness. Trust me whole heartedly on this, i have messed up time and time again, i don’t learn from my mistakes but that doesn’t mean you need to make the same ones
Good luck. Chinese men are cool no matter what many people in here say. Have more patience than me and take it easy, get to know him.
Now this is a very rough rule of thumb, mind you, but my guess would be when you post the question “How to tell if he is into you?” to an annonymous group of virtual people, he probably isn’t, Taiwanese or whoever.
He’ll purchase a new telephone as a gift for you. He’ll call you all the time to see where you are. He will offer to drive you to work every morning and pick you up at night. He might threaten to kill any other guy you hang out with if he is a bit insecure. I know these sound a bit mad, but I have heard them time and time again from some of the girl friends I have met over the years. Oh, and you better be very careful if it ever comes to breaking up as some of the guys have been known to be a bit on the hysterical side i.e jumping from rooftops, acid attacks, harrasment etc. Perhaps I have been watching too much TVB.S. though
He may choose to take you to an amusement park and ask you out on a ride shortly before it drops you 100 feet at speeds to leave your cheeks around your ears.
That way your reply can be broadcast over half of Nantou county…
[quote=“UKbikerchic”]what delieadalish said can be true, however not always, the guys can just be interested in you as friends.
do what someone else said, go through a third party.
DON’T AND I REPEAT DON’T do what i do which is ask them straight out. It scares the living shit out of them and even if they were interested they back off because they can’t take the straightness. Trust me whole heartedly on this, i have messed up time and time again, i don’t learn from my mistakes but that doesn’t mean you need to make the same ones
Good luck. Chinese men are cool no matter what many people in here say. Have more patience than me and take it easy, get to know him.[/quote]
I have to second this advice.
Although, to be honest, I’m starting to lose interest in guys that don’t have the guts to lay it on the line and be straight with me. Maybe I’m too impatient…but I prefer to think of myself as just an appreciator of a different dating culture.