How was life in Taiwan during 90's?

My parents said that TV release radiations, all instant noodles have preservatives, and all that…


I reckon that’s a 2000s thing, doubt anybody even knew what was in the food before then .

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Guilty as charged. :raising_hand_man:t2:

(My mother, not me.)

My mother insists on only eating the brown M&M’s because chocolate is naturally brown, so there must be less food coloring in the brown ones.


That’s pretty funny. Did you tell her some other things are naturally brown ?


That Taiwan doesn’t have an accepted, mature psychotherapeutic arm of its culture by now is amazing.

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The Wenhu Line? :thinking:



When I had my first computer my parents made me put one of those protective screen over the monitor because you have to sit so close to the radiation.


Yup. Same here.

Nah, sorry. She just knew how to cook and was careful where she sourced her ingredients. She learned from her mother, and her mother from her mother. And so on. We build on, and deduce drama, past generations. That is to say: not contaminated, not sprayed with god knows what. She put in time and effort, not simply just “faith”). And we grew up poor. Slher diet has flaws, we know better now. Evolve

I only inject science and eject this faith nonsense we see in most industries. Grew up craving quality ingredients, ended up discarding cheat codes :kissing_closed_eyes: at least mostly. We all end up eating trash out of necessity…I am just not exactly happy about it.

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The preservatives kept you looking young right ? No?


Dam right !