How was your ride today?

My first ride of COVID times. Boy did my head and stress levels need that! (Must stay out of COIVD threads … must stay out of COVID threads …) One of my common Danshui routes, up the 101, down it a bit, counter-clockwise around QingXi Road / 北11, down the 2 to Qianshuiwan, up the 北7, and home to Danshui via the 101 - it’s about 2.5 hours elapsed time for me.

Now that I’m neither swimming nor getting in as much walking as I usually do, I’ve got to try to make a habit of near-daily short morning rides: maybe an hour or so to get up and down Denggong Road for example. Living in Danshui, I can be getting a good workout on a hill very, very quickly, and be home and showered and working by 9am if not earlier. I’m too wedded to longer rides only (er, longer for me, i.e. 2.5-5 hours). Nothing wrong with those, but I’ve had way too many days when I’ve thought “Oh, I don’t have a half-day to spare for a ride, so I can’t go.” But I don’t need a half-day, do I? (At least as long as Level 3 lasts.)

Masking report: I wore a typical mask at the start and end, when I was going by shops and pedestrians in a denser part of Danshui. As soon as I got on to the 101 I put the mask in a pocket and pulled my new buff up over my mouth and nose (and huh, that’s actually a nice-looking accessory!). It wasn’t as uncomfortable as I feared. I saw three other cyclists: two wearing standard masks, a third with a cloth mask of some kind I think.

I have no idea if I look like a selfish shit wearing just the buff thing, or if I’m letting either the foreign or cycling communities down by going about that way. I was idly wondering how much I even look foreign with that thing on - my arm color and hair are a bit of a giveaway, but I’m not sure how big a giveaway they are.

I have zero concerns about the risk that I’m endangering anyone with the buff on, or that a mask would make any difference anyway in such situations. Apart from cars and scooters, I was within five meters of people maybe twice, for a half-second or so each time; there was another guy on the opposite side of the road on an uphill stretch, and I was going slowly enough (so slow …) that he said something to me that I didn’t catch, and I responded with a chuckle and “Zao.” His tone was friendly and jovial, so I’m guessing he didn’t say “You’re not fooling me with that lame excuse for a mask, you plague-spreading filthy foreigner!”

Cycling is nice. I hope it isn’t taken away from us.


Sounds sensible… following a similar plan except at the moment I’m in the countryside the second I step outside.


The rain overnight has cooled things down considerably in the east these past couple of mornings…

Community is well stocked…


I think that rain and change in the barometric pressure messed up however my Apple Watch is measuring altitude. It recorded me as starting at 400m elevation or something like that. Yeah, I’m on a bit of hill above the waterfront, but not that big of a hill!

I don’t know if it rained here, but both last night and this morning the air definitely felt more pleasant.

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My stress levels are at peak, but it may be because I have taken a 2 day break from Zwift.

I am just a bit concerned that I may over train since have such easy access to a ride, so I make sure that I take some days off.

Not you. It’s the maskless foreign guy (white, 40ish) riding a mountain bike in Gongguan riverside park yesterday morning at around 10:00. Yeah, I saw you, the ONLY PERSON I saw without a mask during my 3-hour ride yesterday.


Yeah, you see, that’s it. On countryside roads, the buff thing is totally fine for pandemic safety measures - but I don’t want to be that guy!

How busy are the riverside paths these days? I was thinking of heading across town in a quest for take-out from Falafel King (have to check if he’s open), but I’m not sure how busy the paths are. I’d definitely be more inclined to wear the standard mask on the riverside paths, rather than the buff. (That noun still sounds odd to me … buff buff buff …)


Have you guys noticed more people out there than normal? My ride yesterday, not near you guys by a long shot, was practically packed with walkers and dusted off bike riders. I was hoping to not have to wear a mask for most of my ride as is usual but, there were so many older folks out it never came off.

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Danshui & Sanzhi lower-elevation roads had I believe much less vehicle traffic than typical this morning - usually I’d see something of a rush hour at that time, but no sign of that today. The three cyclists I saw is about normal for an early weekday in summer. However, I didn’t go up Balaka (the main road up Yangmingshan from this side); that’s a more popular route.

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Both the river and mountain (Maokong) were more sparse than usual. The bicycle is probably one of the safest places to be when you’re out there, as long as you’re not in a peloton. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


You’re lucky. It must be the hills. Over here in flatland, the walkers are out.

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I done 5 river ride today and hardly saw a soul.
Weirdest thing drinks machines no power in Dajia park and some other places.
Reason can’t buy a drink because need to remove mask to drink it?


Whoah midday in this heat? Well done! I’d have been going off-river in desperate search of cold drinks. Were any vending machines working?

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I went out yesterday for a few hours and it wasn’t packed…but fairly full for a weekday.

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You didn’t ride the extra 2k to the murder cafe in Bali? I would have ridden 20k for their coffee. :smirk_cat:


Oh, worth it, are they? I’d better give it a try one day. Hope they’re still open.

Yes, I facetiously call it murder cafe due to the tragic double murder that happened there. Its name is actually Mommouth. The place got a bad rap because of the femme fatale that was the manager, but she will remain locked up for a long time, and their coffee has remained tasty. It’s just a good place to chill at the waterfront after a long ride.


Oh, I’d totally forgotten about that case, and just assumed the place was called “Murder Cafe”.

I used to have a semi-regular habit of mostly finishing rides in Bali, and then taking the ferry back to Danshui. I haven’t done that in years now - not really sure why.


Because you’d rather be riding on a quiet, lonesome road in the woods by yourself than dodging kids and yahoos riding two abreast on the riverside path? Because you’d rather breathe in fresh air than smoke from BBQ sausages? Because you’ve developed the muscles for climbing and flat rides don’t satisfy you anymore?


Oh yeah … OK, in retrospect that was a bit of a stupid question!

I have always enjoyed that little ferry trip however, and it’s foolish that I haven’t done it in a few years now.

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