How was your ride today?

Someone from a cycling group on FB posted it just the other day.

I have the same exact picture from the same exact angle, but my clouds are different :laughing:

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Don’t just post the picture. Tell us about the treacherous ride down to the lookout point and the more treacherous ride up. I’ve been debating whether to head down or not, and the decision to not head down has won so far.

Hahahaha, well there’s actually two different look outs over the reservoir, but I have only gone to the location via the police station on the No.9.

The quick 5km(ish) round trip consists of the below segments

As @Incubus said, you need to descend a bit and then climb back up towards the look out, meaning when you to head back to the main road, you not only need to descend a very steep and narrow industrial road, you also need to climb the initial section you descended…which is quite a doozy.

I would not attempt this if it rained 2-3 days prior to the attempt, the roads are well paved until the final .5km, but the road is shady, so there is a chance that there’s moss on the road.

Absolutely no shame in pushing your way up, but if you are not accustomed to steep -20% gradients going down, I would highly advise against this. There’s really no way in practicing -20% descents, but best to be able to move your body weight backwards and holding on your the drop bars for better handling.


OK, I think you’ve helped me make the decision. :joy:

Actually, there’s a third lookout, from which you can see the dam itself. But it involves riding through a graveyard, continuing on to an off road section and braving past some mean dogs. You’ll need a gravel bike if not a proper mountain bike. This guy not only did it, but he pitched a tent and spent the night up there.

Here’s the route:

Here’s a video shot from the lookout:


Thanks for sharing!

Maybe this is something for @ttwan to try out on one of his bike packing trips?

The video goes on my list of reasons why Taiwan is so amazing.

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Unsure whether looking at some of the posts on here I’m happy for seeing such cool and exciting routes, or feeling upset that i’m not there or unlikely to be for the next couple of years :smiley:

Can you all stop posting, I cannae bear it! :wink: :cactus:

Nice ride up and around the hills in Danshui. For better or worse, summer has come. Lovely blue skies and too darn hot. I left at around 10am, which was perhaps three hours too late: time to start setting the alarm for 5:30am again!

I usually prefer the loop below counter-clockwise, but today I did it clockwise because that way has more gradual and broken-up climbs. Did I mention it was hot?

Animal count was, I fear, -1. One of those pretty little lizards with the long blue stripe ran out in front of me. “Whew, missed it!” But then I startled it, so it ran back towards the side. I really hope I was just imagining the small crunch under my back wheel.

Screen Shot 2021-05-12 at 2.49.25 PM


You’re lucky to live so close to Balaka. It’s better shaded than any other routes around Taipei that I’m aware of. And when the canopy of trees breaks open, you’re already high enough up the mountain that the wind is cooler. Maokong is shaded, but the elevation is just not high enough to cool you off.

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Indeed I am. Opted not to do that today because I went up there for my most recent ride, but I was definitely thinking of that shade and elevation!

Rode out to FuShan yesterday, the climbs from Wulai to FuShan seemed brutal - probably the humidity - though for some strange reason Strava recorded this as my fastest ride on this route. Must be the motivation to get home for a shower and cold beer…


Maokong mountain tonight, deserted.

M3 n95 mask on roads and riverside, neck buff pulled up for mountain, lots of police about even 2 scooters mountain roads.
Nice ride going to do one each night while I can.

Be last post returning home soon for Vaccine.
Shipping my bike over also.

Enjoy your riding in Taiwan


I went up the 2 then onto the 12 at 4:30pm and there were not a lot of cars at all. Was really awesome. Saw one other cyclists with no mask on. I wore my mask and although it doesn’t feel good it is totally doable.

If we hit level 4 lockdown we can’t go out to cycle?

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I want to know this also

Cycled out to Duckhead around 8:30pm - the roads were empty and much fewer cyclists compared to normal - most (if not all) wearing masks. Saw this on YuanShan Grand Hotel - I think it sums up the mood quite well…


According to level 4 guidelines, we are not allowed outside unless it is for essentials reasons.

We can argue that cycling is essential to our mental and physical health. :laughing:

Level 4
•Criteria: Sharp increase in domestic cases (a daily average of above 100 cases over the last 14 days) with at least half transmitted from unknown sources.
Leave home only for essential activities (to purchase food, receive medical treatment, or for essential work); observe social distancing and wear a mask at all times outdoors.
•When at home, wear a mask (or) maintain social distancing.
•All public events cancelled: Apart from essential services, law enforcement, medical and government services, all in-person work and school is suspended.
•Lockdown imposed in townships, counties or cities where the outbreak is severe. Only designated personnel may enter/exit the lockdown area; residents must remain in their homes.

I pass a small section of the riverside on my commute home and all those that I saw running, walking, cycling were in masks. 100% mask rate in my experience…so far. It seems like it’s still majority people following the rules, which is good to hear and see.


Nice views from Alp Du Zwift, aside from them being artificial. :laughing:

I attended a group ride yesterday that turned out to be 1.5 hrs of suffering with the club mates. It did not help that I forgot to grab a towel to wipe sweat off my face before starting, but prepared an extra bottle of water…which I ended up not using.

I surely do not expect to lose any weight whilst in semi-lockdown, but just hope to not gain any.

If anyone has any questions about setting up for Zwift or indoor trainers, feel free to PM me or I can start a new thread.

Stay safe!

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Well I didn’t go ride because I have a saddle sore :confused:

Any advice to cure the little bastard?

Rice harvest seems close…

  1. Rest

  2. Saddle needs to be adjusted

  3. Different chamois/bibs

  4. Worst case scenario, the saddle you have doesn’t fit your sit bones, test a new saddle

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