Hualien - 3 dumped kittens

There were 4 apparantly, but 1 has died. Other 3 have just come wandering into our garden - we were on our way out. Heartless bastards whoever abandoned them, I cant leave them here to die while I go out and eat.

So we’re taking them to a vet close by for advice. No idea what to do if they won’t take them. They’re walking, but very wobbly. Still pretty young. They need their mum :cry:.

The thing to do is learn how to take care of them for a few weeks, and put them up for adoption. Cute kittens aren’t too hard to place. There’s good info online about newborn kitten care, such as here at the ASPCA site as well as a little here on Forumosa:
I’ll add my own instructions at the latter shortly.

Thanks Db, I knew someone on here would care :sunglasses:. We really don’t have the time to hand-rear 3 kittens, so we’re looking for helpers - but in the meantime, we’re giving it our best shot (it’s either that or tie 'em up in a burlap sack + into the local irrigation ditch, as suggested by our helpful community officer).

It was so weird, these 3 little mites just came wandering and stumbling across our front lawn. Maybe a pic later, if they’re up for it.

Get someone to post online in Chinese; there’s a much bigger community of local posters out there, and many are willing to help. If you don’t have someone to post that, then post the details here and someone here can post it in Chinese for you and can get your contact info to pass along.

I’ve written up my version of care instructions for you (and others) here: viewtopic.php?f=93&t=23427&p=1152024#p1152024

That was gleaned from all the good advice from fellow Forumosans :notworthy: in other threads earlier and from other websites, plus our own experience.

They had a vet visit last night, they’ve all got feline herpes (and worms), and one of them was very listless before we went to bed. Sorry to say that despite the medicine and having a feed, he hasn’t made it through the night. We’re down to 2. And only 1 of those looks bouncy.

This could be a sad trip.

Awwwww, look at those poor little scraggly things! I hope they pull through!

Sorry to say Big Sis (the one at back of photo) passed away this afternoon. She was the biggest of the 3, and seemed to be doing well, then suddenly developed what the vet thinks was intestinal problems.

This is an unpleasant lesson in animal husbandary.

Even though they all didn’t make it, you have given them a nice warm and dry place in their last days. In actuality, they were probably better off with you than their mum at this point. Best of luck with the last one. Keep an eye out for mum and perhaps ask your vet for a TNR trap to stop this from happening again.

Great effort, Nuit. Utmost respect to you.