Humza Yousaf elected leader in Scotland

A new leader and young man. We will see what does on the leave issue

Not really a surprise. Heā€™s been groomed for that position for some time.

And heā€™s fully on-board with the net-zero cult.

Expect Scotland to slide steadily into bug-eyed ideological chaos as he carries on the work started by Sturgeon.


Itā€™s cool when a visible minority member holds top office in a white country.

In what sense is he a ā€œminorityā€? Heā€™s Scottish. He lives in Scotland. Perhaps you mean the well-connected elite?

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His race obviously. Unless you are trying to argue that heā€™s white?

Well, look, if you saw me in the street you might judge me to be from somewhere within a 500-mile radius of Dubai. Iā€™m not. Iā€™m not sure if I have a ā€œraceā€ as such, but Iā€™m British, dammit, which is why I get so very upset about Britain going swwooosh down the toilet of late. Humza Yousaf was born in Glasgow, he sounds like a posh Rab C Nesbitt, and I have no reason to believe that in private he punctuates his sentences with ā€œooh blimeyā€ and does random Indian head-bobs just because heā€™s brown.

Honestly, I thought weā€™d left the 70s behind. How about we judge public officials on their character, achievements, and demeanour rather than their ā€œraceā€?


I never said he would sound like an Indian, but he is a POC and POC are marginalised in Western countries. POC representation in politics is always positive.

We can acknowledge that POC representation is good and also judge them on their actions.

Iā€™d be really pissed off if someone gave me a job, or patted me on the back, simply because Iā€™m a ā€œPOCā€. However I canā€™t help wondering if heā€™s been shuffled into this position precisely because a certain demographic will coo and fawn and say, ooh, isnā€™t it wonderful that heā€™s brown ā€¦ and will overlook the fact that heā€™s almost certainly a tool whoā€™s isnā€™t smart enough to realise heā€™s furthering someone elseā€™s agenda.

Itā€™s a positive if theyā€™re a decent person. If theyā€™re a cnut, then it isnā€™t.

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Thatā€™s not the point at all.

The wider issue of racial representation and the individual characteristics/competence are two different topics.

Well, yes. And one is considerably more important than the other. He could be a albino lesbian of Moldovan ancestry for all I care; Iā€™m sure theyā€™re in a minority too and would like to be ā€œrepresentedā€. The reality is that politicans donā€™t represent anybody except themselves, so the best that we can hope for is that theyā€™re vaguely competent and not assholes.


Interesting seeing normies complaining about this when it was known what these corporate fascists had planned long ago:


LOL. Hoist by his own IED.

Iā€™m glad I spotted a while back that he was a WEF plant, but I didnā€™t realise he was also a cnut. At least the narrative is imploding.


Does this go here?

Jonathan Pie offers an eloquent response.


Scotland out bonkers Canada. Are the SNP trying to hand back all their seats to Labour?


Pie (2:58): ā€œThe wording of the law itself is committing its own crime.ā€ lol


ā€œThe wording of the law itself is committing its own crimeā€ :laughing:

And thus we reach peak clownworld, in which our laws are increasingly starting to resemble those of Soviet Russia.

TBH I donā€™t know how anyone can look at all this and fail to conclude that the outcome is the intent.

EDIT: ah, I see FC beat me to it.


I love his song at the end :laughing:


I donā€™t. Having been to Scotland, the mental image it invokes makes me want to wash out my skull with Lysol.



I predict heā€™ll cling onto power. Hunter Bidenā€™s crimes didnā€™t affect the big guy in any way, despite the fact that it was almost certainly a family business in that case. The agenda must proceed, and thereā€™s always a sufficient number of people who will wave their little flags and shout ā€œyay!ā€ regardless.

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