Hun tai! or hen tai!

What do you think ‘hun tai’ (or ‘hen tai’) means? Or a better question would be what do you understand it to mean? I read anarticle in the Tapei Times, long ago, that said it was a derogatory term for Taiwanese, reflecting capitalism over taste :unamused:

so why might some mainland chinese say ‘hun tai’ to certain things? What the devil does it mean?!

Uhm, need to start the same thread three times??

Did that by mistake, computer was playing up

Did that by mistake, computer was playing up

Now stop that!


C’mon, WHAt?? often use hun tai, but would love to hear wider connotations!

C’mon, WHAt?? often use hun tai, but would love to hear wider connotations!

sounds like “money grubbing”

Google ‘tai ke’.

Don’t google ‘hentai’. If you’re at work, anyway.

I read that mainland Chinese use ‘hun Tai’ as a derogatory term, however I’m not sure in which sense it’s derogatory. I would guess that it’s a nouveaux riche term; lacking in values and big in ostentation. However I hate to generalise and does anyone else have an interpretation and apologies for duplication!

hen tai = good taiwan. hen means good or well. tai means taiwan? am i correct. this is what i learned…bei or pei means north, and tai means taiwan. taipei means northern taiwan.

hun tai (ie ‘hoon’ tai’)=wo bu dong.

hen should be pronounced “h-un”. the ‘e’ sounds like the ‘u’ in bug (ie insect).

so ‘hen tai’ would mean to my very basic, beginner, ineptitudeness: good taiwan.

maybe those uttering this phrase think highly of an independent, self-ruling entity.

?wondering too as i learn…

Not sure really; would take it either to be jealousy at Taiwans rapid expansion, or else snobbery at perceived lack of values. Any comments appreciated XX

Not sure really; would take it either to be jealousy at Taiwans rapid expansion, or else snobbery at perceived lack of values. Any comments appreciated XX

Not sure really; would take it either to be jealousy at Taiwans rapid expansion, or else snobbery at perceived lack of values. Any comments appreciated XX

If I were Yossarian, I’d be wondering how far I should follow you with this double posting thing you’ve got going Snow White.

If I were Yossarian, I’d be wondering how far I should follow you with this double posting thing you’ve got going Snow White.

That is mean. I haven’t unnecessary commited a grammatical crime (the system did it!)

Tai means local. (In slang. TaiWan… so Tai is short.)
Local, when used like this, means … well… local. Think about it.
Hen means very.
Hen Tai.
Blue shoes. Hen Tai. Beetle nut. Hen Tai. Blue trucks. Hen Tai.
The breakfast store laoban next to riverside: JhenDeHenTai!

oh, that’s right:

hen means very, not good. hao means good.

i get those mixed up.

hen hao=very good.

thanks saf