I am being DEPORTED! Can ANYONE help me?!

I receive a letter from the government a few days ago asking me to leave the country within 14 days or else be deported.

This all started a couple months ago when I visited a friend who worked at another school in Taipei. Since she was not there at the time, I stayed at the school chatting with the staff and playing with the kids. Later on, government inspectors showed up at the school and asked every foreign teacher for their ARC. I cooporated with them without knowing the exact nature of their visit. The officials were really laid back and spoke English. I was assured several times by the school, the officials and the staff that there was nothing to worry about. Things started getting messy when I was asked to sign Chinese documents without being informed of their content. The staff, once again, reassured me that this would not hurt me in any way and that everything was under control. It was all very confusing to me, but I felt like I had to trust someone at the time. The school then suggested that I write a statement explaining that I was a substitute and that I had taught children that day. As naive as this may look like now, I collaborated and wrote that statement which I regret to this very day.

I know some of you have faced a similar case or have known of someone who went through this already. From what you have read, my story is the result of a serious misunderstanding between the government, the school and me. Iā€™m innocent of any wrongdoing.

I am now in the process of trying to appeal this case, but it is so difficult. If you know of any way this could be reversed, then please reply to this message or send me an email directly to appealintaiwan@yahoo.com


Please contact us at immigration@ml-mclean.com. We have some information to pass to you.

Thatā€™s not what your friend ā€˜Taiwanerā€™ is sayingā€¦


Iā€™m talking about a different person.

I think the ONLY person capable of helping you now is ML McLean.

Good luck!


So two people at the same school are being deported???

Iā€™d stay the hell away from that school then!

[quote=ā€œstanā€]I think the ONLY person capable of helping you now is ML McLean.

Good luck!


Thanks for the support. Even our hands are tied with respect to deportation proceedings :frowning:. But weā€™re continuing to investigate the possibilities and feasibility of other means to assist.

We are not totally clear as to why thereā€™s been a marked spike in these cases all of a sudden, even though we knew of increased on-going enforcement :s.

JD Smith: What would make you think its at the same chain school? This is happnening at different schools all over Taiwan. I doubt he is at the same school.

Thatā€™s the problem with assumption! lol

my bad :blush:

Can one of the mods put all of these deportation threads together. There are about four or five of them on various sections of the forum and it is getting quite confusing.

Yeah, maybe the FAP could do all the deportions together at the same time and save us the botherā€¦ :smiley:

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With all of these raids going on, Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m going to get busted some day taking my kid to preshool. I guess I better keep the reciepts to prove it to them.

I feel for you teachers, I know many of you are asked to do things that are against the law. Really sucks.

I used to work with a guy who worked at the same chainschool for five years and then went back to Canada. A work permit and ARC from start to finish, so legal, youā€™d think.

For the first two years he was working at a different school (branch) that the one on his ARC. It was the tax people who pointed it out to him. He didnā€™t know of course because he didnā€™t read Chinese. If the FAP had wanted to they could have booted him out.

Iā€™m new to all this, what happens if the guy gets deported. Can he ever come back to Taiwan? Does he get a big dirty stamp in his passport? (You are F*****d Mate) Will It effect him travelling else where in the world? Ouestions Questions Questions :s

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Hi Philippe,
email me,

The stamp in Chinese will mean HK immigration have to write a report on him. I overstayed once and it took me half an hour to get through HK immigration. No big deal, just a formality, but best to get a new passport if youā€™re going anywhere they can read Chinese.

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The stamp in Chinese will mean HK immigration have to write a report on him. I overstayed once and it took me half an hour to get through HK immigration. , No big deal, just a formality but best to get a new passport if youā€™re going anywhere they can read Chinese.[/quote]

This guy has nothing to worry about, ā€œNo big deal, just a formalityā€!!!

Not trying to say your wrong Miranda. But if everyone who was caught working without a proper workpermit could just fly off to HK have a cup of coffee and a chat with the boys in immigration and jump back on a plane to Taiwan wouldnā€™t we all do it.

I think being caught without the proper work permit and being deported would have harsher penalties!!! Donā€™t you???

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To answer my own question:

Maybe we should look in the work forum under: Work Rules For English Teachers[/i]

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Iā€™ve been doing my best to keep up with various tales of deportations and brushes with the law, and while it is never lost upon me that I am an ALIEN, and the rights I have (if any) are not equal to that of a Taiwanese citizen, I still feel that as a law-abiding, tax-paying, air-breathing human on the island, it is my right to voice my concerns to the government. I canā€™t move mountains, but I can express myself intelligently and hope for change, over time.

I encourage those of you who feel similarly to do the same. Note, I am not trying to impose or impart my various platforms, but I did read a post from wise Taiwaner, and Iā€™ve copied and pasted some information which could help the multitudes contact the Powers that Be:

"I encourage everyone to write letters to the Taipei Times and China Post at opinion@mail.chinapost.com.tw, respectively.

Additionally, you can call the Ministry of Education at 02-2356-6051. The Ministry of the Interior can be reached at 02-2356-5000.

The International Community Support Hotline at 08-0002-4111 is run by the government and another good place to lodge complaints."

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We have finally been making some progress with all the letters everyone has been writing to the newspapers and all the phone calls everyone has been making. Good work!!

If you have been deported, the Taipei Times is interested in interviewing you. Please email AppealinTaiwan@yahoo.com and we will call you first to be sure you want to talk with them and then pass your information on. Itā€™s important that we get as many individual stories into the paper as possible.

In particular, Toufuren, SpunkeyMonkey, Phillipe and Canadian Girl and friends, we would like you to be involved. We also know from various people that there are AT LEAST another 10 people who have been deported. If anyone knows these people, please have them contact us.

Again, please email AppealinTaiwan@yahoo.com
If we all work together, it can make a difference!!

Keep writing letters to the editor and calling the numbers we have been posting. Itā€™s a slow process, but we can make a difference!

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