I feel just being able to label a user a troll would limit this behavior

Jesus H. People shouldnt be so deeply offended by a forums post. Allow meaningful discussion, dont get alm hurt in the you know where when.you get called out and move on. I love forums cause people can argue, respectfully, and figure out new lines of thinking. Let trolls be trolls, no one cares about them anyway. Call me a troll, it means nothing at the end of the day. So strange how people assume forums, social media etc are open to the public. They are privately owned platforms where the owners have the right to write the rules. Forumosa as is is pretty good. But in my opinion a LOT of thought provoking conversations are murdered when they get split and merged so often that no one can make sense of the conext and evolution of the conversation. Long winded multi month conversations with people that disagree bring out quite a lot of seemingly random info that is insanely usefull and in my opinion shouldnt be cut short. Even if some feelings get a little miffed. Every now and then a troll rings out some deep and meaningful conversation. Actually a lot on topics that are meant to be serious.


That’s right, so n00bs and smurfs coming into the IP/US to bring order to it should desist. People telling other posters HOW to post should stop.

I know. I did it on porpoise. Gotta curtail that humor!

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Is that what it is? Lol


I’m not trolling anyone. I am genuine.

I laffed.

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I think there are mods that decide these things.

Here’s an idea for US politics: have two forums, one for people on the left and one for people on the right. Force people who want to participate in political discussions to choose one with the understanding that they’ll automatically be prevented from posting in the other forum.

That would allow for the echo chambers that I think some people want.

And then you could have a third forum for the leftovers who enjoy arguing.

Only a 9th level troll could say that with a straight face.

Absolutely not! That’s what makes Forumosa interesting. Because of the common interest of Taiwan, people of different political backgrounds have to find a way to communicate. Echo chambers of L or R are the reason we’re in this mess.

Who’s bugging ecanada?

It couldn’t be me for reasons I soon can’t go into.

Why not a PM reminder to how many people are ignoring you? If that’s not site feedback for the individual poster, I don’t know what is. Thoughtful people might shave down their elbows a bit if say, 25% of the people in a forum have them on iggy.


Because on a site where you have more RW users than LW users, people would use that feature to try stifle open discussion. Especially oversensitive delicate users that can’t stand to have their ideas challenged without making it personal.

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I suspect that getting put on ignore by everyone is the desired result, which is why I never do it. End up with a forum full of people agreeing with one another and calling everyone else far right without any comeback.


And yet just a little while ago you complained about “passive aggressive microattacks”. Microattacks. :man_facepalming:

What is a “passive aggressive microattack”? How are the mods supposed to detect this? Is everyone supposed to walk on eggshells here?


A good example would be following another user to another forum, and interrputing a convo they’re in by announcing they’re ignoring them. The mods are making a rule against it.


I would be microconcerned about that.


Honestly, I’ve had BETTER exchanges with people I didn’t have good exchanges with b4 I started ignoring the for lack of better word, time sucking trolls. Mike and Mups for example. It’s like I can almost see them as real people now. But in the noisenoisenoisenoise, it’s harder to follow, so cut out some of the noise. There are stages of ignore. YOu think you KNOW what they wrote…you may check or see it on your phone in the can…then you start to not care…then you get validated when other people respond to their ongoing silliness…then you just forget them.

works for me.

I just put them on ignore. The ignore feature works pretty well. But here you go:

To me, that’s not an admission of what we define in our rules as “trolling”.

If anything, what I posted above that might be. :whistle:

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