I live in Taiwan surrounded by Taiwanese. AMA (mad_masala edition)



I’m at home now, that means that it’s too wet outside for having fun.

I’m at 83.5. I was joking about my weight. I’ll drop to 83 or slighted lower right before Wuling, then back up. Modeling agencies are a pain in the ass right now.

When riding a crowded subway car and you feel the dagger stare from off to your left, do you pick your nose and eat it?

I’m currently working on finding the right spouse for that.

What is the best way to find a right spouse?

I don’t know. Pizza? Pissing rain? Pussy?

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I thought you were younger.

Me too! I mean, about yours.

That reminds me that I have an autorenewing contract ongoing since years ago with some people somewhere. Need to call them and tell them to fuck off, never offered me the gig I deserve.

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You know that eating your own bogus is good for your immune system? and I’m not kidding, you can look it up. It’s something similar to the effect of the vaccines, but with lighter autism problems associated.

Too late @tando, too late.

Looks like someone already looked that up and why am I not surprised it was you?

I didn’t look it up. I read about it but I can’t tell where or how I ended up reading that. But I didn’t look it up, I swear to God!

Thanks for this AMA.

When a child or elder points his or her finger at my face and greets me warmly with “Waiguoren!”, what’s the best response to continue this cultural interchange?

When a child or elder points his or her finger at my face and greets me warmly with “Meiguoren!” even though I am not from the US, what’s the best response to continue this cultural interchange?

Usually what I do is to smile, to greet their parents, and then suddenly look at somewhere behind them showing my best face of concern. This will make the parents believe that something is happening behind them and they will spend a few seconds looking for something, time that I will use for giving the little bastard my best psycho face. If I can manage to distract the parents for a longer time, I usually kick the kid one or two times.


That’s the best chance you will have for practicing your impression on a Texas redneck. Try to speak like if half your brain and half your tongue were damaged, and say something about burgers, Chinese restaurants and dog meat.

how many countries are there on the earth now?

Officially, including those that are not widely recognized, or including also disputed territories and war zones?

officially, if it is one of three choices.

Honestly, between you and me, I have no fucking idea, darling.

Will be back after the commercials


Excuse me @mad_masala, but isn’t it normally customary to provide proof when doing an AMA? Just like the time Clint Eastwood did an AMA here.

Where’s your proof, good sir? (As they say on reddit)
Also take some upvotes.

P.S when is the next Reddit meetup. I love meeting fellow redditors :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue::crazy_face: we are such a silly bunch. We did it Reddit!



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