Maybe you guys have seen this before, but I’ll post it anyway. In 1969 Jerry Levitan, then fourteen years old, somehow managed to get and tape an interview of John Lennon. Decades later, he and some other creative types made it into an animation.
Charlie Jack PUT
Ku ku ka choo!
Wow, guys, I didn’t think anyone would respond to this one. I’m flattered.
[quote=“jimipresley”][quote=“jimipresley”][quote=“jimipresley”] [quote=“jimipresley”]
charlie jack
Aw, man, it was groovy!
[/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote] [quote][quote][quote][quote] :bouncy: :moo: :joker: :note: :scooby:[/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote]
Strawberry Fields Forever!
And I came in here expecting to see Craig Stadler.
That’s one of my most misunderstood lyrics too
And I was only recently aware of it when I was about to post something in response to someone being cuckoo!
[quote]I am the eggman
they are the eggmen
I am the walrus
Goo goo g’ joob[/quote]
I reckon that “Goo goo G’ joob” is a kid like slang reference to eggs - ‘googie eggs.’
That’s one of my most misunderstood lyrics too
And I was only recently aware of it when I was about to post something in response to someone being cuckoo!
[quote]I am the eggman
they are the eggmen
I am the walrus
Goo goo g’ joob[/quote]
I reckon that “Goo goo G’ joob” is a kid like slang reference to eggs - ‘googie eggs.’
I was better off not knowing that. :fume: :raspberry:
Me too!!! Sorry for passing it on!
That was fantastic. How’s the map of Canada with the word NOTHING written over it?
That’s one of my most misunderstood lyrics too
And I was only recently aware of it when I was about to post something in response to someone being cuckoo!
[quote]I am the eggman
they are the eggmen
I am the walrus
Goo goo g’ joob[/quote]
I reckon that “Goo goo G’ joob” is a kid like slang reference to eggs - ‘googie eggs.’
I was better off not knowing that. :fume: :raspberry: [/quote]
I’ve read this three times and I still don’t know what the heck it means. What kind of kid ever called an egg a “googie?” What?! Is it just a bunch of Britt speak tripping me up again, or . . . . what?!
You’ve never heard of googie egg? Seriously? I’ll have you know I’m Australian, Madam Housecat! But while their queen rains over us, we continue to understand them that sent us out to decent surfing beaches in chains, I guess.
Oops! The googy (note spelling shift) might be on my face!
Variations googie , goog
noun Australian
* an egg. A piece of ‘baby talk’ transferred from the nursery to facetious adult usage. [/quote]
Ku Ku kachoo Mrs. Robinson
Jebus loves you more than you will know
Wo wo wo
Scuse me, while I kiss this guy . . .
[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]You’ve never heard of googie egg? Seriously? I’ll have you know I’m Australian, Madam Housecat! But while their queen rains over us, we continue to understand them that sent us out to decent surfing beaches in chains, I guess.
Oops! The googy (note spelling shift) might be on my face!
Variations googie , goog
noun Australian
* an egg. A piece of ‘baby talk’ transferred from the nursery to facetious adult usage. [/quote]
Thank you much for the education, my Australian friend! But I’ve still never heard of baby talk refered to as eggs, either. It must be a down under, or over and out, thing. I learn something new every day.
No, no, it’s baby talk for eggs! Typically feeding a baby, a parent might say something like - "Here my little coochie coo, have some wubbly, wubbly googy goog . . "
[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]No, no, it’s baby talk for eggs! Typically feeding a baby, a parent might say something like - "Here my little coochie coo, have some wubbly, wubbly googy goog . . "
Ah. No wonder the Brits chained you guys up and shipped you out!
[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]You’ve never heard of googie egg? Seriously? I’ll have you know I’m Australian, Madam Housecat! But while their queen rains over us, we continue to understand them that sent us out to decent surfing beaches in chains, I guess.
Oops! The googy (note spelling shift) might be on my face!
Variations googie , goog
noun Australian
* an egg. A piece of ‘baby talk’ transferred from the nursery to facetious adult usage. [/quote]
That makes a lot of sense, because Lennon attributes one of the dream-like scenes in “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, in which Humpty Dumpty offers Alice an egg (although one writer points out the scene actually comes from Through the Looking Glass).
So yeah, there was almost certainly an egg thing going on there.
According to one biographer, Lennon was a voracious reader as a boy.
Lennon also was a childhood fan of The Goon Show, a comedy radio show with Peter Sellers and Spike Milligan, and I recall him mentioning that as an influence on “I Am the Walrus.”
Interesting guy, interesting group. But I suspect that they were all also influenced musically by the Liverpool of their childhood. I’m not an expert on that, though.