I miss Taiwan

Because it’s not?


It’s refreshing to be hating on some other country other than Taiwan for a thread or two. Thankyou OP.


So on my way down. I waited 15min to for the elevators. I’m losing my shit. It’s hot and humid. They decided to close down the other one that is working. So with construction only one is operational and always full. Service elevators are not operational. No one knows why.



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My friend, you have obviously never been to the CA DMV.


It can’t hold a candle to the VA DMV. VA DMV level of FUBAR is unique.

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Oh but I have. I’ve also been to a VA DMV @bojack as well as a TX and FL. Its like every place is worse than all of them combined.

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Does the building have stairs?

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CA DMV may be insanely crowded but it generally works and many of the workers can actually “work it” to help you if there are inconsistencies or questions.

But god forbid if the computers go down.

Yes. I live 24 floors up. I had to climb up and down for one day because the city of JB had a complete power outage because of some fuck up.

I don’t want to do this again. Im a large 95kg man who had a complete tear of my knee ligaments. Feels bad man.

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Malaysia is your agoge.

On the bright side, this can save you money on a gym membership. :sunglasses:


Maybe I missed this earlier in the thread but why did you move out there to begin with? It’s usually never a good idea to go southeast Asia. They’ve got it even harder than Taiwan does. Doubly not a good idea to rent from/associate too closely with mainlanders.

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That seems like an awfully broad statement.

I would love to move to Malaysia for a period of time.
I think Andrew just had bad luck with the apartment and the ‘runs’.

I’ve enjoyed maybe parts of Thailand and Vietnam.

Lots of people retire here from previous British commonwealth states that give residency to retire. Your money goes a long way here from other countries, some come retired in their 40s.

I came to finish school.

Don’t do it. I’m already planning to get out. Looking for legal ways of maybe at least moving out of the contract. This is one of the most expensive buildings in JB, and it’s garbage.

in terms of settling, I mean. It’s fun to visit.

I’ve worked 3 weeks in jakarta: let’s say that I used to be afraid of death, now I no longer do. I guess living in malaysia must be roughly the same. I’ve been there for a week but it was a holiday in Sabah, completely different.


I’m hoping once we settle down, we can finally take a vacation either on one of the beaches of Malaysia or a cheap flight of other SE Asian countries like Thailand or Vietnam. It’s one of the reasons I was ok with coming here. Money goes a long way, and close to many nice vacation spots.

I understand the draw but man, reading through your list it doesn’t sound like it’s worth it. Getting sick from your own living space would seal the deal for me; who knows what kind of fumes you must be breathing in? Yikes.

Is the quality of education better in Malaysia than it is in Taiwan? I know that’s not saying much, but you know…