I Signed - The House Purchase Saga

It’s tax season, we just got ours and we’ve owned for a couple of years now.

Yea. It just hasn’t sunk in yet.

The idea of owning a house, not the actual house. Oh dear god please don’t let the house sink in.

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Welcome to the suck.

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And don’t forget, you’ll get a land tax bill too. :wink:


Monday was payment day! Automatic deduction.

239 months remaining.


Here’s a list of absolute essentials when you move :laughing: Don’t forget to visit the local tudigong (#3).



My rental contract says if the AC breaks I have to pay to replace it. The rental agent said it was standard. Is there any legal recourse I can take if landlords are obligated to insure it themselves? I signed one of those no tax reporting contracts.

it depends on the cause.
the standard is that if it breaks down due to natural wear and tear, its landlord responsibility. if it breaks because you kicked it once too many… you need to replace it.
read yhe contract again, if everything falls on you then the agent and landlord were dishonest with you.

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That would be an illegal clause in your lease.

A landlord is not absolved from reporting the income and paying the necessary taxes on the income derived from rental properties just because they put it into a lease agreement.


Hi @Marco thanks for the thread, lots of useful information here, and congrats on signing. Based on your information above, it seems that for someone to get a mortgage with just a 20% downpayment, the home must be above a certain ping and not older than a certain year. Would love for you to clarify this a bit :slight_smile:


That appears to be correct, but your mileage may still vary.

The problem is, every bank and sometimes branch have different rules.

Now if you have a banker wife…

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In your experience, roughly, what is the average ping and average age that the banks consider for 20% downpayment mortgages?

A good rule of thumb is over 15 ping.

And within the last 20 years. I think 1999 is pushing it.

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I actually don’t know why the down payment is so much higher in Taiwan than elsewhere. It’s like 30% or something.

Cause Taiwanese bank conservatism and risk aversion.


yeah man, even in Neihu at cathay united they nearly had a seizure when they saw a tall foreigner coming in to open an account. Had to warm them up a lot, took all my Chinese I know and many jokes, it took 2 hrs, the lady assisting me was also actually kind and nice to me, but at first they never want to be bothered with foreigners. Was actually impressed by the post office in Kuangfu when I opened the account there, they spoke some English.


Needed to post this.


…They just announced a rate increase of 1% by text.



Hopefully that’ll slowly bring property prices down to make it more affordable for the rest of us, but we’ll lose out in the long run for paying more for the debt. Doubly shit for those of you that already purchased though :confused:

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But you’re still paying more every month with higher interest rares. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

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