I would very much like an alternative forum that was much more heavily regulated

Completely disagree. I think the moderation balance is about right here.

There’s nothing stopping users who can’t tolerate opinions they don’t like (or, better, tolerate even reading opinions they don’t like) from muting sections of the site or individual users, or finding/starting forums where they only ever hear exactly what they already think. I’ve always found that attitude a bit…hmm, silly for adults voluntarily using the internet, but each to their own. :man_shrugging:

There are quite a few users on here who consistently post stuff that to me seems really dumb/toxic in certain threads (no names :cow2: :horse:)…but who cares? Occasionally they say something interesting or smart, and everything else can be ignored. I’ve only ever found it necessary to mute one poster, and that was more of an issue of posting volume and nonsensical comebacks than anything else.