ICRT (part 2)

I think the reason I was sure it was “real” was cos “we” was just too absurd. I think my brain ruled it out as being inconceivable.

“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” - I

I’ve been wondering, too. Thought it was ‘Free Radio Life’. [Since they advertise themselves as the place where locals can learn English for free]

In any event, I wanted to start a contest to replace it. Based on the postings the jingle involves three completely unrelated words with the structure: PRONOUN, NOUN, NOUN.

My original suggestion would have been –
Me Aardvark Tree
however this is four syllables and the oriiginal is five.

I can’t get ‘aardvark’ out of my head for some reason. Maybe it’s as relevant to Taiwan life as ICRT has been recently…

How about –
They Aardvark Taaable
(sung melodiously?)

So contest rules for the New Nonsensical ICRT Jingle are –
Pronoun + Noun + Noun = 5 syllables

Any takers?

I octopus thing.

Can I just say… when it first came out, I could not abide the F.I.R song, Fly Away, primarily because of the gramatically abhorent line “Nothing I will be afraid”.

But, of course, after it was played ever so frequently, it did actually start to grow on me. Now that line is an integral part of a quite enjoyable song for me, and a focal point in the enjoyment.

Not a strong point for just accepting the ICRTjingle, but my personal view is that it’s only a big deal if you make it so.

Actually I have to disagree, Scarface.

The jingle is “We radio life”. It’s played over and over again and represents ICRT. If they can’t even get a 3 word jingle right, what does that say about them? It is, after all, supposed to be where people go to listen to and learn English.

We radio life. We likee good, yes no? We teachee Englishee long time so good. Trust me you can make it! ICRT we NUMBAH ONE!!!