Identity politics and dating

This is an interesting issue I would never have otherwise considered. Is it discriminatory for dating apps to provide an ethnicity filter?

Firstly, I’m not quite sure what the point of removing an ethnicity filter would be. If people aren’t into you, they aren’t into you. Also, it seems a little hypocritical to retain a filter for other physical characteristics (such as height). Taking it to its logical conclusion could members of Grindr not be accused of heterophobia?

As always with identity politics the language used is melodramatic (“harrowing”, seriously?), but the article does raise some interesting questions about online interaction. Ultimately, though, is it bigoted to not want to have sex with someone because of their appearance? And, if it is, what can be done to rectify the problem?


Down a few six packs of Taiwan beer and/or turn off the lights.


While I believe the ethnicity filter does promote racist behaviour in the app, other minority groups use the filter because they want to quickly find other members of their minority community.

This was a killer quote, for me. How is it any different for members of “minority” groups to only want to date other member of their community to, presumably, members of “majority” groups not wanting to date some minority groups?


I prefer Asian women to white women or black women. It’s not because I think they’re more submissive (anyone who thinks that has never married a Taiwanese) or any of the other dumb reasons that judgemental SJWs ascribe to those that prefer Asian women. They’re just, on average, physically more appealing to me so I’m more drawn to them.

People have types. No one judges those who prefer redheads or blondes. But when race goes into it everyone gets on their fucking high horse. It’s not racist to prefer one type over another… I’m definitely not racist towards white people, since I am one.

I feel sorry for people dating now, with #MeToo consent forms, stepping on eggshells around race, and everything else. I’m so SO happy I’m married and missed all this bullshit.


so happy i passed thru college before the internet.

This kind of crap was starting when I met my wife in early 2015, but it’s gotten so much worse in only 3 years.

Also it seems perfectly okay (from a western standpoint) if an Asian woman prefers to date white guys. But if a white guy voices a preference for Asian women, they’re suddenly a fetishist. :man_shrugging:

I don’t see this same judgment towards black guys who prefer white women, or white guys who prefer black women, or black guys who prefer Asian women, etc.

So perhaps I been in Asia too long and do not really know anyone who does not date/married to a local. But, is this a thing in the west?

Yeah, I got race-shamed about it when I mentioned it in passing on reddit. My fault for posting anything on reddit, and expecting other people not to be dicks.

Yes. By Asian gals I’ve hung with and those who are jealous.

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I was at a BBQ a couple of years back and a woman said to me something along the lines of “Did you marry one because you think they’re submissive?”. She probably thought she was making a PC statement, but was actually revealing her prejudice. I pointed this out to here but she didn’t seem to get it and became upset.


A few of my Asian girl friends have been told by guys, white and Asian alike, they were racist for wanting to date only white guys. But again the white guys who told them that were guys these girls weren’t interested in. Shows that social justice war is often just a tool to target those you hate.



You don’t see ‘No blacks, no Irish’ signs in real life any more, yet many are fed up with the racism they face on dating apps

Is the stupidest kind of false horseshit equivalency, what crap.
One situation refers to what is normally public access being denied to specific ethnicities.
The other is simply a matter of personal taste, as has been mentioned.

Did K-Man and @rowland team up for a one-off gig at La Goooardeenian??

And I’m not just saying that because you couldn’t pay me enough to go on a date with an Irish guy.

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Because only white people can be racist. Duh…


This is actually very common in the black community. Blacks, both male and female, get a lot of shit from their own community for dating outside of their race.


There seems to be a niche for an SJW friendly dating platform. It’ll be called Randym. No racial, appearance, size, sexual orientation or other discrimination is permitted. No other app maximizes your dating/sexual liason opportunities by expanding your pool to all available individuals. The full beauty of the human race will be available to you. I see excellent opportunities for tie-ins with local alcohol outlets.


If you want it to be truly SJWesque, then no user should be able to refuse a match, cause what would be your reason? Saying your match is too old, it’s ageism. Too fat, it’s grossophobia. Too ugly, it’s objectifying people based on their look. Too annoying to talk to, it’s because of your own patriarchal narrow-mindedness.


We could have a Hardcore mode for the serious SJW and a Softcore mode.

The truth is they can’t even stand themselves. No one passes the high bar they set. They must be a joy to have a beer with (or soy-milk, whatever).

Some apps also filter physical shape.

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