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Maybe Hitler was a cow kisser?

What really makes this guy an idiot is that weed has been legal in Washington since 2012 and he still hides it in his butt.

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Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we pack our ass with weed


A slightly smarter criminal would have the weed in his jeans and the meth up his butt.

Maybe leaving the meth at home would have been a good idea

How is this guy walking around with 13 felony convictions?

Well, he isn’t now.

Only up to a certain amount. I would guess you can fit more than one ounce up there.

You’re assuming that he was hiding it. Perhaps he simply didn’t have any pockets.


This gives new meaning to the term “man purse.” :hushed:


This is the queue of people waiting to reach the summit of Everest:

The wait has contributed to the deaths of 7 climbers. All so they can bore people at dinner parties.

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It’s like Costco, but you’re on line to buy frostbite and hypothermia instead of toilet-paper and cheese.


Half of them are dragged up there by Sherpas, anyway.

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I met a guy here who had climbed Everest. I shook his hand and told him how much I envied him.

He had no fingers.

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They’ve hit double figures:


Way more than half.

85% or higher paid super high-priced tour agents to take them as well.

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The silver lining would be the drop in housing prices up there, I suppose. :cactus:

I’ll see myself out… :flying_saucer:

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