If Herd Immunity is the goal and we don't vax kids below 12, must my 10yo wait 2 years to travel?

I think at-risk people are behaving very badly demanding not at-risk people to get vaccinated when it’s clear that vaccinated herd immunity is a myth.



This complete lack of data on vaccine safety is what makes me think the whole thing stinks. Nobody is even making a half-assed attempt to run a proper Phase 4 trial. Apart from VAERS etc (the flaws of which are well-understood) there is literally no data; and that in marked contrast to the amount of data on the epidemiology. It’s not as if we don’t have the resources to collect that data, if we wanted to. Clearly, nobody cares enough to do it.

Articles like this Rollout of domestic COVID-19 vaccine likely by August: CECC - Focus Taiwan quote Taiwan CDC statistics on deaths by vaccine. NOTE: This article is from July 2021. Does anyone know how to find the data from the CDC’s own website itself? I looked but didn’t get any where interesting

Those are reports on possible deaths from vaccines.

In Germany they had 1254 reports for possible deaths from vaccines. Upon further inspection into those reports they had 48 probable deaths from vaccines.

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Deaths attributed to vaccines at the bottom row.

Source: 各廠牌疫苗「接種後死亡率」高端最低! 四叉貓精算結果曝光 | ETtoday生活新聞 | ETtoday新聞雲

Updated Possible AE totals including Medigen