The Drunken Misadventures of a Redneck Posted 8-16-2002 05:04
Day 523, I woke up this morning with a terrible headache. I only drank 4 beers and a vodka cruiser last night, oh well. I must be getting old.
I hate Mondays, and when Mondays are holidays, I hate Tuesdays. In fact, I hate all Tuesdays. If I work it, I hate it. Every morning begins the same, I ask my lovely girl(this time, Lek) if I have to go to work. She reminds me that I am a day late with her bi-monthly allowance. And since today is payday, I might get lucky with her tonight. Yippee!
I can’t figure out my Thai students, the more I show disdain for them, the more they like me. The more I could give a shit about the lesson, the happier they are, and the happier the Thai teachers are. This morning all I was good for was playing my Kentucky Headhunter cassette up all the way for my M-2 students. Damned if I am gonna teach them that prissy Brit English, they is gonna learn good old hillbilly slang. They loved it. I guess I have my lesson for my M-3 classes all figured out.
Last week I taught them, “How’s your momma? We went out.” I told them it was typical greeting to show respect for one’s mother in honor of Mother’s Day.
I miss good old fashioned food. Can’t you get that stuff here in Bangkok? I miss a fat slawburger washed down with a bottle of Ski. Damn, when is it gonna be chitlin’ time?
Day 524 Posted 8-14-2002 05:23
Day 524
Lek got her allowance. I got “lucky.” By lucky I mean no more bitching from her and I got a little bit of the good stuff.
As I left work last night I was remined that my principal has a special ceremony she needs me to attend at 730am on Thrusday. Great, I teach till 9pm and start the next day at 730am.
Ok so the stupid little ceremony ISN’T teaching, but the way I look at it, if I am putting on that fake smile and needing to listen to people speak bad English and comment on how good it is, that is working. Not working would be saying “Listen, shut up, I can’t understand you and I don’t want to understand you,” or “Talk to the hand because the mind ain’t listening.”
Oh, did I mention that I am not paid for it?
I have a good mind to get sloshed tonight and show up sloshed. I can take anything if I have my bottle of Vodka by my side. Before Thailand, I stuck with only beer and wine, now in Thailand, I prefer the heavy stuff. Vodka Crusiers are sweet, but there ain’t nothing like a Vodka and coca-cola.
7-11 has a great deal on their plastic 390 ml bottles of Coca-Cola. Empty half of the coca-cola out and fill the bottle up with vodka, brandy, rum or anything else you like. Put it in the fridge to keep it cold and you can enjoy a refreshing drink anytime. Take it out with you, sip on it all day, no one knows the difference.
Oh, back to my story.
I woke up late today. That means I do the 30 second shower and run off to catch one of those green buses. Lek mumbled something about wanting extra money. Huh!
At one time I swore I would never be caught dead wearing a tie. Now everyday I wear one. Along with my roughed up shoes. Day 524 in Bangkok, Day 576 with these same pair of K-Mart shoes. I want to buy another pair but with my size 13 feet, forget it. (Anyone have a source for big dress shoes?)
After teaching the Matayom students today, I will teach little 5 year old brats in an after school kindergarten. If the Matayom students weren’t enough to neccesitate inebreation, these kids surely are. Screaming mad children. The only way to manage is to demean myself by prancing around the classroom singing I’m a little teapot and Pat-a-cake then give them all some coloring worksheet. How the hell this teaches English is anybodys guess but the parents and students sure love these classes more than when I honestly cared.
Then I will go home to Lek. She will mumble something about money. Anybody wana buy me a drink tonight at the Londoner?
DumasWalker Posted 8-14-2002 05:42
yodastrikesback and Thaiscout,
Come on guys give the guy a break shoudl Bulldog’s diary is great but what’s the harm of letting this gut rant away. I think it is quite good myself so Dumas keep being a dumas and keep the stories going.
As for the Londoner sure I will buy you a drink only if you walk in with me naked.
Up for it?
The Mad One
it depends… Posted 8-14-2002 06:04
…on how drunk I get beforehand. Look for me, you can’t miss me, I will be the staggerring drunk who is flirting with anything that looks female.
Day 525 Posted 8-15-2002 02:53
Day 525, I woke up at 6:30am and took a big swig of the coca-cola like concoction that helps me hold on. Headache gone, eyes perk up. I asked Lek if I had to go to work today. She reminded me that no work= no money, no money = no Lek. After she realized that saying that wouldn’t motiviate me she informed me that no money=no vodka. I understand her loud and clear.
I went to the special ceremony at the school with 2000 kids. Now getting 50 students to play a game is hard enough but principal got the brilliant idea I should play a game with all 2000 students. I wanted to say: “You are a fucking idiot, what kind of circus clown do you think I am.” All I could muster was a weak “ok.” At times like this I feel like a whore. I am reminded by some lyrics by Papa Roach.
“Present yourself, press your clothes, comb your hair, clock in
You just can’t win when the things you own, own you!”
Oh yeah, they liked me so much they invited me back tomorrow morning, same time. Yippee. Another early unpaid morning. I guess I need to double my dose of vodka.
I heard that the FARC in Colombia was looking for English teachers. Train to be a soldier in a Marxist guerrilla organization, sounds appealing. Free Colombian hotties and free cocaine were the enticements i heard. Too bad they don’t offer free booze or else I would take them up on it. Cocaine just ain’t my thing.
Well, my classes today will surely bear the brunt of too much vodka and too little sleep. It ain’t my fault either.
Khun Ting Tong Posted 8-16-2002 05:44
Day 526:
Ok, I changed the title, most of you don’t know what chitlin is, so maybe this is better. You’all know what a redneck is. I added my email address for whatever reason.
Ok onto to the day’s happenings: I got ghome last night from work, Lek was gone. Oh big deal but what really got me red was that the ho walked off with my cd player. If you can’t trust a whore, then who can you trust/ At least she was nice enough to leave me with my velvet painting of Elvis.
I think I am over her already, I just went out a bought a nice big bottle of Rum. Why can’t ya get a decent bottle of Rum in Bangkok? The only cheap stuff they got is this Tondena crap from Flip-land. At least it can get me wasted. I miss the good stuff from back home like Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, good Southern whiskey. Too bad the south didn’t win the civil war. I guess you can get it, but the price is too damn high for a teacher’s salary.
Back when I was a youngster just out of high school, I received the best wisdom a young man could ever get. Simple, stay away from drugs, get drunk instead. Everyone picks their poison in order to get the feeling of IDGAF, you can buy a quarter bag of reefer, a few grams of cocaine, crystal meth, or a few puffs of crack, but it is all much more expensive than a big old bottle of booze and takes you the land of bliss just as easily. I never realized how true it was until I came to the Land of Smiles.
I guess as much as I can complain about teaching, it sure the hell beats slaving away doing day construction labor, getting paid minimum wage and spending half of my pay on a bed to sleep on that night and the other half to get wasted.How crappy is life when I have a BA from Morehead State University and all I can manage is job teaching English in Bangkok.
I guess I should talk a little about teaching. My classes did suffer yesterday, I was really draggin as the day went on, the usual concoction couldn’t even pick me up. By the end of the day my students were referring to me as Khun Ting Tong. I took it as a compliment. For fun I had my little brats draw up pictures of monsters. I let them name their monsters. I joined in the fun and drew a picture of a monster drinking a bottle of Chang beer. They thought it was funny. Now is it just me or does anyone have this happen to them: When I take role, my students chime in not with I’m here but rather with I’m bee-er.It started with just a few students but my chuckles and laughter has spread it to all of the students.
This morning was like yesterday morning. When asked how I was by some VIP, all I could reply was hot, tired, and I have a headache. He couldn’t offer a response and they left me alone.
Ok and this goes out to a special someone: This is my life, deal with it, those who live in glass houses shouldn’t cast stones. I can teach more entertaining classes than you can Mr Fat Greg. I’ll bet all you can manage is a fat whore
I gotta go now, I need to refill my bottle of coca-cola.
Big Money Day Posted 8-17-2002 09:42
Day 527:
Today is big money day, 8 hours of teaching with only two short one hour breaks so bear with the brevity of this post. I earn more than 2000 baht today. That is enough to get shitfaced and pay a barfine over at Soi Cowboy. I gotta get a replacement for Lek.
First off, I didnt realize you have a wife there, Boring Greg. Your life must be a worser hell than mine. I have pity on you. I will leave you alone, I may be a drunk redneck, but I have my principles.
And to Mr Tefl, Who the hell is T. Tsow, Hunter S. Thompson, and Kerouac? I am a dumb redneck, I won’t try to deny that, but help me out. If you are gonna insult me, try to insult me with words, people, things I know. To help you out, my favorite TV show is Jerry Springer and my lifelong goal is to beat up some dude on it.
My daddy always called me a dipshit growing up, it took me until I was in high school to realize that you check the oil with the dipstick, not the dipshit. What the hell that has to do with my post today, I don’t know. After 6 hours of teaching, so far, and a half a bottle of vodka, I am in top form. Come 7pm, my students will develop their typical what the fuck did he just teach us look and accept my explanation that they need to study English more and they, too, can understand my undecipherable anecdotes and editorials.
Now I must go, my 5pm hotties are waiting(why are 90% of my adult students women?) and I don’t want to disappoint them. I am imagining Khun Oil right now. She is always there early to practice English with Khun Dumas.
Bong Water Posted 8-19-2002 05:19
Day 528 & 529:
I woke up Sunday morning still drunk. I like those mornings where I avoid a hangover because I am still very much wasted. Not wanting to deal with a Sunday afternoon hangover, I proceed to swig a can of Beer Chang. I am not a beer fan, but sometimes I want to be wasted but not too wasted. Beer is perfect for such times.
At this point, I remember the pretty little ho, Suree. I picked her up Saturday night in Soi Cowboy. Actually it was Sunday morning, after the bars closed. I didn’t want to pay a barfine. I am kind of foggy about the night before. My beer swigging woke her up and it is time to pay her for her services. I hate this part. If the girl is cool, the process is cool. I give her 500 baht for her time, give her my cellphone number and show her the door. She is cool, not too much bitching, just some grumbling about me being cheap. I should have just given her money for a taxi, but I am generous. If I can’t remember the previous night, how do I know I got what I paid for?
I think these SIM cards are the greatest invention, I can just change out the sims, one for work/personal business, one for my ladies. There is nothing worse than interrupting a class to take a phone call only to find a bar girl on the other end. (A great way to handle cell phones in the class, you can answer your calls in the class and so can I.)
Sunday is my day to relax and recuperate from a long hard week. I put a shitload of hot dogs in the crockpot, turn on UBC, turn up the ac and I relax. If I cant find anything on UBC I put in a Vhs of my favorite shows back in the US. There ain’t nothing better then being in my boxers all day in 68 degree comfort. No woman to bitch at me. It aint long till I am jiving out to CMT videos I have seen hundred of times or watching old football games. This is what living in Bangkok is all about. I just need to find some good chittlin’ and a swanson’s tv dinner.
As I sit here, some thai boys, who should be in school, are jumping up and down screaming. One of them is holding a sheet and looking at his computer screen, it seems he is happy that Ipswich Town beat Leicester 6-1. I can’t understand Thai boys. I see them in the internet cafe either gambling, chatting or looking at porn. I ain’t got a problem with porn, heck I look at it myself. Why else should I go online? One day I looked over to get a better look at the porn they were looking at. They were viewing gay porn. Thai boys like gay porn and gambling. No wonder why Thai girls like farang very much.
Oh yeah and they like yabba too. They should be using weed instead. It would relax them out a bit more. I never got into the weed thing but I have taken part in a few clam bakes and I have been known to take a hit from the bong. I remember the time the mormons stopped by the house. Well it was their second visit. The first time my girl, Chrissy, at the time didn’t know how to say not interested so she took their Book of Mormon. On their second visit my buddy, John Riley, was visiting me with his superbong. He knows I don’t dig reefer so he brought me over a big bottle of JD. About an hour later we get a knock at the door. I look through the peephole and see these two young men in suits, I about freakout until I see their bikes. I let Chrissy answer it. Again she couldn’t say no, plus she was high and drunk. In walk these two Mormon boys into a den of sex, booze, and drugs. All John could do was offer them a hit from the bong. Not knowing what to do, mormon boy #2 dropped the bong. It didn’t break but it spilled all over our carpet. Is there any worse smell than bong water? Before I answered no, now I can name several things on my soi that smell worse than bong water.
Back to my teaching, on Saturday evening, Khun Oil was waiting for me along with my other students. They range in age from 16 to 31. All women. Khun Oil is only 18 but she is a Thai-chinese hottie. I wouldn’t mind taking her out, but her is the rub. I might not get lucky with her, I am guaranteed to get lucky with one of the girls from Soi Cowboy. Plus taking her out will be almost as expensive. I figure if a man buys a girl dinner, he is entitled to something.
Today I will return to the great big world of Matayom. I havent the foggiest idea what my lesson will be this week. I am thinking about ghetto talk, but it will depend more on what I feel when I arrive in the class than what I planned beforehand.
To my fans: Yoda, you first said I was an anal loser, now you say I am an interesting winner. I can’t figure that one. I prefer the anal loser comment. I know I am a loser and I am happy with being a loser.
Hourly rates Posted 8-20-2002 04:46
Day 530:
Finally some down home folk. Some much I miss here in breakfast, like Shoney’s Breakfast buffet. Grits, that I miss here in Bangkok.
For some reason, Yahoo sends lots of junk to my email box so I decided to pass it along. Smart Creidt through Standard Chartered Bank is offering free roundtrip tickets to Bangkok for every 25th successful online applicant. I can’t place the location of the ad picture, but if it is in Bangkok, maybe Stickman can put it in his column but to me it is full of Chinese characters. Oh yeah, the other junk mail I get tells me I have a disney world trip waiting for me when I give them my credit card number(I don’t have one), that I can have an even bigger penis(great, I cant buy the cheap thai condoms anymore), and that I can have a couple of sexy co-eds(I can have them in real life, why do I need the porn?). Boring enough?
Sort of like my day today. I am bored. I woke up all alone in my king size bed and had to roll out of bed, alone. I think my lesson this morning reflected my level of boredom. I decided to photocopy an ad for a resort hotel and ask my students to make up a conversation based on the ad. Now, my students go to a public school. I think any teacher should make lessons applicable to students. I made sure I had them ask about guests in the rooms and about hourly rates.
Tonight I will buy a couple of vodka crusiers to be with me in my bed. I like them on special occassions when I want to be wasted the right way. I think that might end my boredom. I should swing by Tops and pick me up some fish sticks.
sexpertise Posted 8-21-2002 09:09
Day 531:
Who says that Thai boys and girls are ignorant about sex? I walk around my classes when I teach, I don’t stand around at the front of the room and spout off a lot of gibberish. (If I did, I would probably fallen down drunk, i find it better to stumble around the classroom.) I also grab suspicions notes that students write to each other and in the case of particularly squeamish girls, I have the note read aloud to the class. I don’t understand the Thai, but it sure brings a lot of laughs from the kids.
I did this yesterday in an M2 class but the note was a bit different. Instead of being handwritten, it was typewritten in Thai. After a few lines, I realized some of the vocabulary was the same I use with a girl at night. The best thing my drunk mind could think of was to confiscate the letter and find out later what the hell it said for sure. The girls in the class begged me to tear it up, the boys begged for me to give it to them. One thing was certain, they didn’t want the letter to leave the class. I didn’t mind the girls trying to grab inside my pocket, but I drew the line at the boys trying.
I was interested in the note and dropped it by my principal that evening. He reads about 5 lines of it and tries to take the note and tear it up. In his words it was very bad. It was about student sex with young girls at RCA. I did get the letter back. When he gave it back, he told me straight up: show it to any Thai and they will lose all respect for you. It was all I could do not to tell him that Thais don’t respect me anyways so what is the harm with distributing the letter. Anyone want it?
These kids aren’t innocent, they are into sex, drugs, and gambling. Hell, I walked into an empty classroom one day and these two m4 students were doing some heavy petting. The conversation turned onto the subject of why they are like this. I like to avoid such conversations for obvious reasons. It all boiled down to the fact that there farangs bring problems to Thailand. (Ignoring the fact that Thais have sex, gamble, and drink at younger ages than in the West, according to the Bangkok Post.)
Now I must plan to take advantage of their sexpertise. I should teaching them making out in English 101, a single session class I have offerred succesfully for free on several occasions. M2 might be young, but the M6 girls are already working the bar scene, they are in need of quality English training.
After such an ugly discourse, I figured it was best just to go back to my Soi, grab some BBQ and buy a bottle of Regency. I mixed it with ice coffee. You would be surprised how great it tastes and how shitfaced you can get.
I woke up this morning with a bad headache. You know the really bad kind. I ain’t had a bad headache like this since Dave tried his banana thing. My good friend, Dave Branstedter(sp?), always liked to get high but he wasn’t so rich and not particularly bright. His number 1 great idea was to photocopy dollar bills, use them to buy vending machine postal stamps and then sell the stamps. He didn’t even make it to stage 1. His number 2 great idea was to invent a new way to get high, smoking banana peels, courtesy of The Anarchist Cookbook. A legal way to get high! I figured it would be a good laugh so I went along.
To this end, we went down to ********* Supermarket and bought $10 worth of bananas. His roommate, a short guy who did car repair, went along. The idea of a new high fascinated him. At home, we peeled all of the bananas and scraped the peels. Dave baked the peels in the oven. Afterwards, the short guy filled up the bong and took a hit off of the blackened peel. He was gasping for breath. Dave tried with the same result, not being a pot smoker, I abstained. The short guy got the idea to mix it with pot. Maybe with pot it would be ok. After taking the hit, the short guy pronounced that it was having an effect on him. All night long, they shared hits of the pot-banana mixture, the smoke permeating the apartment, we were even joined by 3 young girls. They liked the new high as well. Until the next morning. We all woke up with one hell of a headache. And nothing could make it go away. Pure pain for two days. All further development of banadine was shelved.
What the hell that has to do with my headache today, I don’t know, but back to my story. I made a banana shake before I heaeded out to work. I was greeted by the same stupid little twerps who thrive on caniption fits. No, I am not in the mood to say hello to you unless you are over 18 and are female. I am here to teach you English so you can better seperate a farang from their money.
I miss vodka. I miss vodka in my life, I miss vodka, sweetie won’t you come home to me. Why don’t you love me like you used to do?
Tomcat, my man, thanks for the advice on the white trash section, I will check it out. Just to clarify things: I am more precisely trailer trash, yes I am white, but I identify more with the trailers then with the color of skin. My dream is to one day, when I am forgotten, head back to America with an Isaan girl to live in a good old double wide paradise with pink flamingos out on the front lawn, sit back and drink ski, eat moonpies, and have a front yard that looks like a junkyard.
Thai Style Posted 8-22-2002 08:54
Day 532:
I am kind of drunk right now. Usually I am medium drunk, today I am heavily drunk. Thanks for the words of support bbb. Poohbah, to borrow the words of Nicolas Cage in the movie Snake Eyes, “I was made for this sewer, baby!”
As I write this, the internet cafe girl is helping some prick Thai boy print off something. The moron doesn’t know to click on print and follow the text boxes. The plus for me is she is practically rubbing her rear in my face.
I sure hope Pawthoo wasn’t talking about my posts about sex. My posts have everything to do with living and teaching in Thailand.
I tried to call up someone today. The person is a Brit, but I have to get through the thai receptionist. I am sure she is beautiful and all and probably performs well inside the office and out, but she lacks brains. Bilingual secretary usually means a pretty young girl who speaks a few words of English. After 532 days in Thailand, the conversation starts with “Hello, I speak Khun **** please.” She replies, “Khun **** not here.” I reply " When Khun **** come back?" She reply “He come back 30 minute.” I end the call with “Thank, Goodbye”
My grammar sucks. Sure it sucked before I came to Thailand, but now it really sucks. 532 days in Thailand, I haven’t really improved the English of anyone and my own English has went to pot. Or maybe it is the booz working on me.
I got observed today by one of the Thai teachers. Well actually she bothered to stop by today because she wanted to pick up money from the students. The school may pay for the classes, but they collect the money from the students. It works out to about 15 baht per student per hour. Funny thing thing is that only about 10 baht make it to my school and only 6 make it into my pocket. Ah, it’s Thai Style.
On Hiatus Posted 8-23-2002 04:13
With the weekend coming and this board’s future up in the air, I am on hiatus until the new board is up and running. I think you all can live without a lack of wit and wisdom for a few days, I know I have lived my whole life without them.
Day 550, I think unless I lost count somewhere along the way.
Why am I always the last one to know when my classes are cancelled? I woke up early this morning, showered, shaved, put on a shirt, grabbed a bottle of beer and stormed out the door. Imagine the looks I got, sipping my bottle of Chang while gripping the “safety” handle near the rear boor of the bus.
So I finally get to school, no lesson planned(On Mondays I can wing it), no food in my stomach, still a hungover from the night before, not ready to face a class full of M1 kids. Imagine my dismay that two of my classes were cancelled today. No classes= no money, no money = no booze. Oh I wasn’t told this, rather some students hanging around the classroom let me in on the secret.
A quick call back home to Suree confirmed the obvious, Suree didn’t give me the message. What good is having a girl if she makes you pay for bedtime, can’t take a message and doesn’t cook? Her words: I not secretary. You pay me, I make love you.
So now I have time before I go back to teach little rugrats. Prance around with little kids for 2 hours playing stupid games and generally acting like a clown. Not fun, but it buys me time with Suree and it buys me good whiskey.
I got to thinkin today and the things we don’t have here in Thailand. Why ain’t there no drive thrus in Thailand? Back home we have drive thru anything. Heck in Texas they have drive thru liquor stores. I can’t follow that one. I can buy it in my car, but I can’t drink it in my car.
Open containers suck. Back when I was a little kid, my mom, my brother, my sister and I went out collectin cans on the side of the road. We had nothin better to do and the welfare check was days away. (When the welfare lady came around the house, daddy always hid out in the basement, don’t know why.) We needed money to buy momma some beer, no beer and momma gets a might angry. So we was all collectin cans by the side of the road.
Our tags were expired on the Pinto so we had play with the mud. We was a throwing mud on the car, trying to hit the license plate and the tags and then we had to through mud around the car so they wouldn’t think we just threw mud on the plate. After it was all muddied up, we drove out to the highway to start collectin cans.
We did that one all day long. Sis wasn’t trying too hard, she kept tryin to light all of the old cigarette butts and getting a little puff here and there. Brother and I did most of the work. Well we worked hard all day long and got us several big trash bag full of cans of all types. Beer cans(momma said she had to clean them out by drinking what was left in them), soda cans, you name it.
When we got all done we loaded up the Pinto with our cans and start back down to the collection depot. On the way back it rained and washed the mud off the plate and wouldn’t ya know it, a cop stopped us. They saw all of the cans in our car and he done took a look at an open beer can in one the bags. Damned if he didn’t explode and he said he was breaking the law. Something about an open container. My sister begged the cop for mercy and he let us go with a warning and our phone number.
We got to the collection depot and made purt near $12 for the cans. My momma got a 40 of Mickeys, my sister got a pack of GPC’s, and my brother and I got a bottle of coke and a snickers each.
My how times do change, before a bottle of coke and a snickers satsified me, now a bottle of rum and a roll in the hay are what satisfy me.
Deadwood Dumas
Just a drunk man tryin’ to make a livin’
Day 539
Oh, back on the chain gange. After a rather wild week, I guess I am back to posting. I am glad to see the new board come up. Without a way to vent, I become a solitary drunk. With the board, I feel like I drink with my friends.
I am trying to figure out what these emoticons or whatever they are mean.
Where did I leave off on the other board? Oh yes. Last weekend. I went down to Soi Cowboy last Saturday. hence the new name, I am kind of a cowboy as much as a redneck. I like Soi Cowboy, and one of the most famous cowboys was old Deadwood Dick. But mine is anything but deadwood or so says Suree. Just call me Deadwood Dumas. Because one thing is for sure, Dumas is deadwood.
Talking about Suree, she say me again at Soi Cowboy. There was no way she was letting me get away from her. I may be a cheapskate, but she says I am her cheapskate. We went home together at 2am, she stayed the night. And the next day until it was time to go to work, which means no Sunday for me. She has been coming back everyday since. I only give her little money, but she says she likes me.
Today I tried to interest my Matayom students in democracy. They had to offer their opinions are whether boys are stupid or not. Raise your hands, thanks! Oh come on kids, raise your hands, answer the question. Drink some some cocacola laced with rum. No opinion=buffalo. Try again. Drink more rum. Then I find a student who doesn’t vote and declare them to a buffalo. drink more rum. try again, this time it works, all of the students vote. Boys are stupid. I am drunk. My students laugh as I stagger back to the blackboard.
Which reminds me, last Friday I continued the hotel lesson. I got my students to tell me about hotels and then tell me if they are good or not. They ran off a long list of hotels and even included a couple of places I am familiar with. Then came the big question, good hotel mai? For the bad ones, I asked them, tamai bad? To which my girls respond : Sell body.
Just a drunk man tryin’ to make a livin’